Chapter Nine

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The rest of the party went by in a haze. Since Bryan didn't come, I stayed with Morgan the entire time taking a couple of more shots and dancing until my legs were practically sore.

When we were ready to go, Darian stopped us. "You had a couple didn't you?" He asked eyeing me as I leaned against the front door of his house.

He was sweet so I pulled him into a hug. Something I only ever did when I was drunk. "You're not too bad, Darian." I said in an annoying high pitched voice. "Morgan's driving."

He turned his gaze to Morgan now, studying her. "Spell Massachusetts." He said suspiciously.

Morgan actually focused pulling her brows together before spelling the word.

I knew she wasn't drunk. She'd only had one drink and then she'd cut herself off because she had to go to breakfast with Bryan and his grandpa early the next morning.

"I'm not sure if you spelled it correctly." Darian said slowly after she was finished. "But I was just stalling anyway. Aiden you and Grace are going to the same place right?"

All of a sudden Aiden was appearing out of nowhere, a casual look on his face. "Yeah. I'll drive you guys."

I didn't mind. I hadn't seen Aiden drink anything besides the half drink I had stolen from him. Plus this way I wouldn't have to sleep over at Morgan's and wake up early.

"Give him the keys Morgan. Looks like we're getting a ride."

Fuck. Why did that sound sexual?

Morgan quickly handed the keys over to Aiden, grabbing my arm and tugging me away.

"Where going to meet you guys at the car." She said as we walked through the front doors of Darian's house. When we were alone she pinched my arm causing me to cry out. "Yeah, pain's a bitch isn't it?" She hissed releasing her grip on my arm.

I looked at her confusingly wondering what she could possibly be talking about.

"I know you're a little drunk right now but I don't want you to get hurt Grace."

I narrowed my eyes. "You're the one that pinched me." I said slowly.

She groaned, "Not physically. I mean by Aiden."

I crossed my arms. "Aiden wouldn't hurt me." If there was one thing I knew, it was that.

Morgans stared at me for a while. "I don't know if it's because you're drunk or if this is a part of that toxic trait you have to purposely see things your way." She grabbed my arms, steadying me so that I was looking at her. "I don't want Aiden to hurt your feelings."

Her words were like a bucket of ice water being thrown on my face. For a second I had forgotten all of the bad blood between us but Morgan's worried face definitely reminded me. I remembered all the times I'd cried on her bed over Aiden, over stupid shit. And I understood her warning.

But we had a truce now, so Aiden couldn't hurt my feelings unless I let him.

Before I could respond to her Aiden was walking up pulling open the passenger's door. I didn't say anything to him as I sat in the car buckling my seatbelt up. When he opened the back door for Morgan and she slid in, I looked at her in the rearview mirror.

"You good?" She asked as Aiden walked around the car headed for the driver's seat.

"I'm good." I nodded. But I wasn't. Because getting drunk around Aiden was a mistake. Definitely with this whole truce. Now whenever I thought about a question or a comment, I didn't have the mental capabilities to keep my mouth shut.

Looking foolish, I placed my hand over my mouth and pretended to sleep as he drove Morgan to her house. It was a silent ride and when we arrived at her house she simply told me to text her when I got home and exited the car.

Once we were on our way back home Aiden cleared his throat. "Is there a specific reason you're pretending to be asleep?" He asked his tone amused.

I should have been embarrassed, but the alcohol didn't allow me to. "Damn, why are you so perceptive?" I asked sitting up straight in my seat.

Aiden laughed, " Grace I've known you forever. I know you don't snore like Sandy Cheeks when you sleep, what's up?"

Since there was really nothing up, I went with the typical answer. "Nothing, just didn't really feel like talking. I'm kind of drunk."

He took a quick look at me before returning his eyes to the road. "You didn't feel like talking to me?" He didn't sound mad, it sounded like just a normal question.

I shrugged. "I don't want to say something I'd regret."

I'm going to go ahead and blame the alcohol for me saying that.

His brows raised and his eyes darkened. "I guess you probably don't remember, but we used to be friends, so if you have something to say then say it."

This was the first time Aiden was getting angry at me. The first time I'd seen any emotion from him besides concern.

"I guess, ditto." The response obviously made more sense in my head because Aiden looked confused. Frustrated.

So I elaborated.

"You never said anything to me Aiden. You never cussed me out or yelled at me. You just act like it never happened."

Is this how therapy worked? Did they just force you to think about shit until you couldn't help but confront the root of the issue?

"You want me to yell at you?" He asked as if it was just a ridiculous thought. And maybe it was. Maybe I was over thinking everything.

"If you want to yell at me, then yell. I don't want you to just be nonchalant."

We were at the house now. Parked neatly in the driveway.

Aiden sighed. "We were kids Grace."

It was true. We were both stupid kids that thought the world was gonna work the way we wanted it to.

"We were kids and you broke my heart." He continued. "We both know it, and I didn't see a reason to bring it back up. We're not kids anymore. And as harsh as it sounds, as much as I'm willing to be your friend, you'll never get the chance to break my heart again."

And with that he opened the door, exiting the car before coming around and opening my door as well.

That bitch Morgan was going to get to say 'I told you so'

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