Chapter Twenty

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To anyone who took the time to read this, thank you so much for sticking with my story. I don't have any excuse for why it took so long but if you guys live in america you know it has been a shit show. I read all of your well wishes and I appreciate them all. I hope everyone reading knows that mental health should come first in your life and you should do what makes you happy.

Writing makes me happy and I'm finally in a place where I can do that without compromising my mental  health. I will be finishing this book and uploading Macy's book which is already about a third of the way done. 

I've uploaded all of the chapters that I have edited and will be uploading the rest as soon as possible.

Enjoy reading you guys.


I went directly to Morgan's house after leaving my meeting with Emmett.

I went back and forth in my mind on whether or not I should tell her about my situation but I decided not to. She was a good friend and she would probably try to intervene to protect me.

I didn't need that right now.

Instead, I decided to tell her about my other problem.

The dinner with Aiden.

I was already stressed about it. Now that I had to worry about what Emmett would say, I was even more nervous. At any moment he could pull the rug out from underneath me and everything would be ruined.

I didn't believe for a second that Emmett would give me two weeks to make up my mind. and even if he did, what was I supposed to do? Have a relaxing two weeks and then watch my life fall apart?

Didn't sound like a horrible option.

I put that on the back burner as I pulled into Morgan's driveway.

When I saw Bryan's car in the driveway I groaned. As much as I loved Bryan, I really wanted Morgan's full attention. It was doubtful I would get that if they were attached at the lips.

Still, I turned my car off and walked to the door, knocking rapidly until she swung it open.

"I thought you were my dad" Morgan said, her face flushed and her breathing heavy.

I smiled. "Is Bryan hiding in the closet somewhere?"

I didn't wait for her to answer as I pushed past her, walking into her living room. Morgan's house was nice and homey. I had always felt comfortable here.

"He's on the patio," She said following after me, humor in her tone.  "Let me go tell him the coast is clear."

I sighed letting myself fall into her super soft couch. "Yeah, you do that."

She narrowed her eyes. "Is everything okay?"

I didn't really feel like lying so I changed the subject. "I need to talk to you. It's about Aiden."

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