Punches and hugs

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*Allison calls stiles mischief*

Scott POV


I went to turn towards stiles to explain myself only to feel his fist connect to my face in an unexpectedly painful blow that knocked to the ground. Ouch, what the hell!! since when could he punch so hard!!!

"YOU ASSHOLE!" I heard stiles yell at me

I turned back towards him standing up and clutching my nose which was bleeding pretty heavily. once I was had turned around I saw stiles walking towards me yelling at me for going behind his back, I started to shuffle back in the floor because I could sense he was gonna punch me again, which I didn't want because it hurt, I mean seriously how can he punch that hard.

Stiles raised his fist again to deliver a second blow ,but luckily for my face, Allison ran towards him and grabbed his gently face in her hands making him look at her

"hey, hey, hey, just breathe mischief, calm down for me ok?"
"That's it breathe" she said as she slowly lowered her hands and moved back to her spot standing next to him, both of them looking at me expectantly for an explanation. Stiles giving me a glare so fierce it could rival Dereks, scratch that it beats it by 1000%

Allison POV

I was pissed at Scott for going behind mischiefs back but I hoped he had a good reason even though what he did was wrong I hope he can justify it so I know that stopping stiles from breaking his face was a good decision.

While I was waiting for Scott to explain I laced mine and mischiefs fingers together to ground him so that he at least wouldn't attack again. Since he's returned to beacon hills and told me about what happened to him while he was gone I discovered that while calming words stopped him for a short amount of time physical reassurance was the best way to get him back into his right mind and calm him down though not fully, I had only heard of one person able to completely calm down mischief and that was the boy that had died a few months ago, Newt.

"I-I was w-worried about you" Scott stuttered out, I could tell stiles was about a second away from lunging at him again so I squeezed his hand in reassurance.

"You had changed a lot, you weren't telling anyone what had happened to you when you were missing a-and I was worried that if you kept it all to yourself and didn't let anyone in that you would cave in on yourself. So I went to Deaton and he said he would make a call, now we're here" Scott said looking nervously over at stiles and I loosened my grip on his hand allowing the words to sink in.

Thomas POV

I sighed, I could understand where Scott was coming from and his concern for me but it still didn't give him the right to do this so I was still pretty mad, I mean who could blame me all my secrets are about to be exposed.

"Well now it's time for us to watch your dear friends memories" said horai

"Oh goody" I drawled sarcastically

"But first we need a few more people" she said cheerfully and clapped her hands. Who does she mean? Alli and I moved back over to the pack but I made sure to stay away from Scott because I wasn't sure I could stop myself from punching him again if he was close by.

A bright light filled the space in the other side of the cinema causing me to turn away so that I wouldn't go blind from looking at it. It had been at least 30 seconds before I felt the light fade away and a familiar voice speak up.

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