No.. but im fine

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Thomas POV

"Alright, you guys might wanna brace yourself for this one" horai warned as the video came up on screen, everyone stayed silent as the title showed up on the screen.

I'm fine

Shit, this is not a time in my life I wanted revealed to anyone.

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When title of the video appeared on the screen the mood in the room instantly darkened.

I'm fine

They were all remembering times where they had asked Stuart/Thomas/stiles/Caleb/Mitch if he was okay, he always replied with "I'm fine", now they were all thinking about how many times he actually meant it and how many times it was fake.

Scott was wondering how he never never noticed a raise in his heart beat whenever he said he was fine because by the looks of the video it was always a lie, maybe he really did learn to control his heartbeat. I'm sorry brother.

Stan was worried for the man who became like the son he never had, but he knew that Mitch wouldn't want his pity so he didn't give it to him instead he was proud that he had managed to control himself enough to lie to werewolves effectively before I trained him. He could only imagine how good Mitch became at hiding his emotions once he had trained him. Come to think of it, he always did excel in that area of training as well as the rest of them too but even more so in the art of lying in interrogation.

Allison knew how much mischief had struggled after all she was the one who he would call when he was in a dark place, but knowing this didn't make it any easier to see in video form. She just hoped that mischief would be ok, they were looking at a very sensitive topic for him.
No, he'll be fine. He has me, newt and his mother to keep him from spiralling.
He's the strongest person I know, he'll get through this.

Claudia was close to tears, she remembered seeing the struggles her son went through and it was very hard for her, she hated having to see her baby suffer and being unable to do anything about it. She was thankful that he had people like Allison, Scott, Minho and newt to get him through his ... tough spots.
I can't make up for what has been, but I'm here now, I can be there for what will be.

Sydney was worried about her uncle Caleb, even though she didn't completely understand what was happening she knew that her favourite uncle was hurting, and she didn't like it. She could tell he needed com for so she snuggled in closer to him resting her head on his chest, immediately she felt strong arms wrap around her and a soft kiss planted on her forehead.

Mike was taking it hard as well, Caleb was his best mate, he had saved his life and even though this happened before they had met he was still angry he couldn't be there for him after everything he's done for him and his daughter.
I'm sorry Hollywood.

Newt was taking it as hard as Claudia. he hated seeing that his tommy has suffered and he wasn't there, he hated that he wasn't able to help him through the toughest times in his life before the maze. But he was glad that he had Allison. Tommy has been through so much, and he was the strongest person he knew.
The strongest people hurt the hardest.

"There is no way that I can ease you into this, so I'm just gonna start it quickly" said horai, everyone could tell just by looking at her that she was uncomfortable showing something so personal.

Rip it off like a band aid.

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