I could kill you with less than that

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"next up will be the fight between Stiles and Theo" announced Mnemosyne

Theo reached up and subconsciously rubbed his jaw where Stiles had punched him, twice, who knew a human could have such a strong right hook?

"Wait what fight with Theo?" Asked Scott confused, Stiles had never told him about any fight between him and Theo, and he hadn't seen any evidence on Stiles to suggest that he had been beaten up by the chimera.

"Stiles and I had a fight whe-" Theo started to explain but was cut off by Stiles

"Welllll... it was less of a fight and more me kicking your Chimera ass" Thomas said smirking, Theo scowled knowing it was true

Scott stared open mouthed at Stiles, there was no way he could have beaten Theo in a fight
1. He's a human and Theo is a Chimera
2. I could barely beat him and I'm a true Alpha

While Scott was busy fussing over how Stiles couldn't possibly have defeated Theo everyone else was leaning forward looking at the screen with interest, they really wanted to see him punch the arrogant-void crushing-nice hair-perfect eyebrowed weirdo in the face

"Play it, play it, play it!" Chanted Minho and Gally eager to see their leader kick some supernatural butt

Mnemosyne "alright" she said waving a hand making  the screen light up yet again with a video

Theo smirked Scott may have forgiven Stiles for killing Donovan in self defence when he had no choice, but will he remain that understanding when he sees the man he thought to be his best friend show his true colours and take him down. Just how long will their friendship last when Scott realised he doesn't really know his 'brother' at all.

The screen lights up to show Stiles standing alone in a car park with his phone held up to his ear before a car pulls up behind him and he pulls it down.

Stiles quickly made his way over to the car where Theo is seen getting out

"Sorry I got here as fast as I could" he apologises looking sincere

Hmmm, he's a good actor, thought Stan leaning forward trying to see if he can spot the basic tells of lying on Theo, he wanted to know if his skills still worked on the supernatural and he was glad to discover that they did. While Theo is one of the better liars he's seen there are still basic tells that let down his facade though they would be easily missed by the untrained eye, things like the slight inclination of his pupils indicating that he was not looking directly into Mitch's eyes, as well as slightly shortened lengths of time between each blink, both common body language signs of lying.

"Gotta go now, Parrish has got the bodies" he rushes out hurriedly walking over to the passenger side of the car

"What was going on with the bodies?" asked Chuck

"Um, I'll tell you about it after I'm not sure I can talk about it just yet" Thomas replied unsure if he was ready to revisit the memories of that night, the crushing overwhelming fear he felt that his dad was hurt or worse, killed.

Chuck nodded understanding that it was probably a sensitive topic and Thomas would need a little more time before he was ready to not only revisit the memories himself, but talk about them with other people.

"okay, wait up Stiles, wait" Theo says but Stiles ignores him

"Parrish is out, he's got the bodies, we gotta find Scott we gotta tell him" he says opening the door

The lives he's lead - stiles stilinski Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя