Void of everything - pt. 1

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Thomas POV

"It would probably be for the best of Sydney we're not present for the next video" explained horai and I knew what was coming, void.

"Wait she can't go by herself though" Mike fretted

"It's alright Mike, ill go with her. If it's what I think it is I don't fancy being here either" I reassured him

"Are you sure?" Mike asked me, I nodded

"Yes I'm sure, you'll be looking at void am I correct?"  I asked looking towards the goddesses for confirmation, at receiving a nod I stood up with Sydney

"FINALLY!" Exclaimed Theo about to brag about his plan to get void back before it went down hill, but shut up at the glares he was receiving the fiercest being from stiles, since when could he be so terrifying?!

"before you leave can you please explain void to them?" Mnemosyne asked me as if Theo hadn't said anything and Completely ignoring his presence, I sighed. I didn't want to explain it but I guess it's the least I could do in return for them allowing me to leave during the next few memories.

"A couple of years ago there was a darach terrorising town called Jennifer Blake" I began

"Psycho bitch number 2?" Billy asked recalling my earlier description of her

"Yep that's the one" I confirmed
"Any way she was murdering people in groups of three using the three fold death to gain enough power to get revenge on the alpha pack first was virgins, then warriors, healers, philosophers,and finally guardians.. now what is the most common type of gaurdian?"

"Parents" mike whispered looking over at Sydney

"Exactly, parents. But by the time I had figured that out Jennifer had already kidnapped  my father, Alli's father and Scott's mother and taken them to the Nemeton"

"The nemeton?" Asked Irene

"It's a ancient tree  that was an extremely powerful source of magic, it's power was dormant for a long time because it was cut down, but When Jennifer was called up by Kali she crawled her way to the Nematon and sacrificed her self to it the magic within it awakened and healed her" explained Allison for me

"Anyway, no one knew where the nemeton was so in order to find it we had to sacrifice ourselves" I said

"Wait! Sacrifice?!" Exclaimed Vince, but I ignored him and continued talking. The quicker I explained the quicker I could leave

"We sacrificed ourselves and woke up in a gigantic white room with the nemeton in the centre, when Scott touched the surface of the stump we were all taken to where we were on the night Scott was bitten by Peter and lead to the nemeton. Once we had saved them and defeated Jennifer Deaton told us that what we did would have its consequences as we basically opened a door to a darkness in our minds.
We all managed to close the doors eventually but unfortunately I shit something in my mind rather than Shut it out.
I was possessed by a 1000 year old Japanese fox demon called a nogitsune, it gained entry into my mind through forcing me to answer his riddles and heavy mental abuse.
The nogitsune is an evil spirit that feeds of chaos, strife and pain it made me say things I never thought I would say and do things I never thought I would do.
Like it had its hands on the steering wheel of the car while I was locked in the trunk.
It was like someone taken me out of control of my body and replaced it with darkness, forcing me to watch unable to do anything as it ruined the lives is so many people all because I was too weak to stop it"

By the end of my explanation everyone was left speechless not expecting that

"I became void stiles, void of emotion, void of morals, void of everything" I said my breath shaky

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