Void of everything - pt 2

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"We will start with stiles trip to the hospital, this is when people started to realise something was wrong" said horai

The people around the theatre merely nodded in confirmation, to scared of what they may see.

Claudia smiled softly at the next video, she remembered when this happened, she may have been dead but she never stopped watching over stiles and his father. She remembered how worried Melissa was about her son and it warmed her heart that her best friend took him in when she died, when she saw stiles call Melissa mum she wasn't even mad she was happy that her son had someone to call mum even if it wasn't her, and if he was to call anyone mum she was glad it was someone like Melissa who had been her best friend for many years and loved stiles just as much as she did.

Shows Melissa suggesting something to stiles who starts breathing a little quicker, she looks up at him her features moulding into a look of concern
"Stiles?" She asks but when he doesn't respond she tries again as she gets up out of her seat, worry evident in her expression

"I didn't think anything too serious was happening but then I saw him..h-he looked terrible" Melissa said

"He looks like he didn't even hear you.. like his mind was elsewhere" said Ethan

"He could he me but he was so severely sleep deprived and weak from lack of eating that he couldn't process anything as quickly as he normally would" said Melissa jumping into nurse mode

"Are you alright?" Melissa asks worried, taking off her stethoscope and walking around the desk towards him
Stiles breathing picks up again as he stutters out a reply
"I-I don- I don't know, yeah, yeah I guess- I guess, not really" stiles stutters his voice breathy and panicked

Everyone's breath hitched, stiles/Thomas/Mitch/Stuart/Caleb was an expert at hiding his emotions and it was shocking to see him so vulnerable.

Everyone was shocked the nogitsune must of had a massive effect on stiles/Thomas/Mitch/Stuart/Caleb  to make him let his walls down enough to ask for help and be honest with Melissa at how he was feeling.

But it was still shocking to see him looking so weak and vulnerable, shocking to see him in such a panicked state when he always seemed so calm and reserved, so guarded.

Melissa was studying him carefully, concern and worry in her eyes
"Alright kiddo" she said nodding her head
"Alright come with me" she said softly placing one hand on his lower back and the other on his arm to gently guid him towards a room.

"Thank you for taking care of him" Noah said gratefully as he looked to Melissa with tears eyes from seeing his son in such a state, she nodded

"Of course, he's like a son to me and I promised Clauds I would look after him while she was gone" she replied with equally wet eyes

"Thank you" Claudia whispered

Shows stiles sitting on a hospital bed looking agitated as he figets with his hands telling her his symptoms , Melissa standing next to him with a clipboard as she copies down everything he's telling her
"Blackouts but not for that long, and uh sleep walking which I used to do a lot as a kid"

"That always scared us, when we'd wake up to check on him and find him missing from his bed" Claudia shivered, Noah wrapped his ark around her shoulders

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