Give me love

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As the memory came to an end Newts emotions were all over the place.

Despite sitting on his lap he'd never felt so far from Thomas, and that was when he realised that he hadn't had the opportunity to spend some time together, just the two of them, or even talk since he came back to life.

That was why as soon as Horai announced the end of the memory he stood up, grabbed Tommy's hand and dragged him over to the bathroom without a word. A bathroom wasn't exactly his preference for a sweet moment with his beloved, but it was private, so they'd have to make do.

Even if they didn't get to talk, he just needed to be close to Thomas. In the safety of his arms without other people around, just the two of them.

Thomas followed him without protest the whole way, keeping a tight grip on the shorter boys hand as he trailed along behind him. He could see the tension in the blondes movements. The rigidity in his lithe frame, the clipped pace of his steps. The white knuckled grip on his hand.

He rubbed his thumb gently over Newts knuckles, silently offering comfort to the shorter male but said nothing, jut allowing himself to be towed along.

Thomas trusted Newt with every fibre of his being and would follow him to the ends of the earth without question.

The blonde opened the door and walked in, stopping dead in his tracks.

Rather than the sleek modern bathroom he'd been expecting, they were met with the homey warmth of what looked to be a small bedroom.

There was a bed situated in the very centre of the right wall and multiple pot plants scattered around the space in no particular order. Some of which even bout delicate lush green vines that climbed up the walls and spiraled across the ceiling in the most gorgeous display of nature.

The room radiated a homely warmth that reminded Newt of the glade, almost bringing a tear to his eye at the familiar feeling.

Thomas whistled in a low tone "it's like the room of requirement in here" He remarked with a smirk

Newt tilted his head in utter confusion
"What's the room of requirement?"

Thomas gasped dramatically placing a hand over his heart
"How could my own boyfriend have never seen Harry Potter?!"

"Harry what?"

His boyfriend huffed "that's it the first thing I'm doing when we get home is giving you a moviecation"

Newt's chest swelled with emotion, his eyes taking on a glimmering sheen. He took a deep breath, barely able to keep the tears at bay.


That single word was the top of the ice burg for Newt, all the emotions he'd been bottling up since he was reunited with his beloved exploded within him. A mass of emotion he didn't know what to do with.

Thomas was about to go full movie culture lecture on his boyfriend, but the look in his boyfriend's eyes made him do a double take.
"Newt baby? What's wrong?" He asked, his vice full of concern as he cupped Newt's face in his tears.

The sheer love held in the dark pools of his boyfriend's eyes as he looked at him was the tip of the scale and Newt finally let go.

Tears rolled freely down his cheeks.
Chocked sobs ripped through his throat.
Pained cracks echoed through his heart.

Thomas immediately succumbed to his protective instincts and enveloped Newt in a secure embrace. One arm wrapped tightly around the boys thin waist and the other carding through his molten locks.

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