Control is over rated

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"Are we ready to watch the next set of memories?"
Asked Mnemosyne.

"What do we do bout this one?" asked Irene tilting her head in the direction of Theo, who was still out cold on the floor.

"Eh just leave him. Honestly the only reason I brought him was to see Newt and Claudia punch him and hopefully Thomas." Horai told her before catching the disapproving look Mnemosyne was sending her way and her smile immediately fell

"Uh, I-I uh, I mean, He's already seen that of which we have brought him to bear witness to and is now no longer necessary for future viewings" schooling her face into what she hoped to be a look of innocence and morphing her tone to match Mnemosyne's 'I'm speaking in big words and riddles because I'm hella extra' voice.

Mnemosyne narrowed her eyes at the childish goddess, seeing straight through the innocent act, but decided to let it go just this once. After was Theo.

"Right" she responded in tone that said she didn't believe her but couldn't be bothered to waste her time arguing.

"Mhm right now let's head over to the next room" Horai said quickly walking towards the door eager to make an escape before Mnemosyne changed her mind. She made it through the door before turning back around and rushing back into the room merely seconds later closing the door behind her.

"On second thought how bout we stay here and chat some more" she suggested, her voice breaking slightly and a bright red colour splashing across her cheeks and the tips of her ears..

Naturally her reaction roused some suspicion among the group and they thought it only necessary to question the eccentric Goddess.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" Sonya asked, eyeing the goddess with a calculating look.

"No reason I just-Uh-love your company?" Horai stuttered, her face turning an even darker shade of red.

Mnemosyne did not look impressed "Really? 'I just love your company'" she asked with a raised eyebrow

"You'd think that after millennia you would've learnt how to tell a decent lie" she said causing Horai to pout

Stan quietly agreed, you could read the goddess like a book.

"Ten bucks says it's Mitch and Newt making out" he whispered into Chris's ear.

"Your on" The hunter agreed, a small smirk playing at his lips.

"Right well I'm afraid your going to have to 'love our company' in the other room so that we may proceed with the viewing" If possible Horai's cheeks darkened even further "So if you'll please move aside" Mnemosyne said in a stern tone that left no arguments

Horai shuffled on her feet shooting a hesitant glance towards the door before slowly moving out the way nervously tucking a strand of her long dark hair behind her ear

"Thank you" Mnemosyne said making her way towards the door and walking through it into the other room where she let out a slight gasp.

"I told you" Horai mumbled spiking the others curiosity even more, eager to se what all the fuss was about.

Newt was straddling Thomas' lap, his arms woven tightly around his neck while his boyfriends grasped his waist as they kissed passionately though with an air of possessiveness most of the on lookers didn't know the kind blonde had in him.

The kiss sent a very clear message, He's mine.

Mike quickly cupped a hand over Sydney's eyes refusing to let the small girl's innocence be tainted more than it already was thanks to Caleb's incessant use of overly colourful language. 

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