Chapter One

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This was something I came up with last year and thankfully I sat down and wrote it. :) I really liked the idea and obviously I wanted to share it with you. So ta da! I hope you like it as much as I did!

My pretty Unicorns! My treat to you, *holds hands out*

This book was written nearly a decade ago. Do keep in mind that yesterday's idea of romance is today's idea of "what-the-heckery is this?". This book was written during a time when bully-heroes, extreme angst, hot and cold behaviour etc, was how the genre of romance mostly represented itself. We did not know then that this was toxic and with time we have learnt what we consider healthy and what's not. And that time is now, versus ten years ago when this book was written (#disclaimernumero2).
This book caters to the romance readers of that time because that was what romance was then. (#disclaimernumero3).
Definitely go ahead if you want a distraction and a roller coaster.
However, today's idea of romance is very different, so if you're looking for that do NOT go into this book. You will be upset and disappointed.

[NOTE #2]
Chapter 6 ends abruptly. I'm sorry about that. There was some issue and it seemed to have deleted a good chunk of that chapter. I've tried many ways to retrieve it but it wasn't possible and because it was typed directly into the app I couldn't do anything about it either. Apologies and I hope you enjoy the book anyway! Happy reading.


None of us thought it would really happen.

But it did.

And when it did. We were not ready.

We were always kept in the dark. We never knew what was happening. We were kept in tightly sealed cells with little rations and lots of company. We hadn't seen the sun in...I'd lost count of the days. We didn't know if it was day or not because of the artificial light, that was usually always on, except inside our cabins.

When I was younger, way younger, I remember houses, gardens, smiling neighbours, laughter, colours, life.

But sometimes I wonder if they're just my imagination from the movies I'd sometime see with my father. If it's just a wish for a life I would have had...

If earth hadn't started dying.

The air didn't have a lot of oxygen left anymore. The soil couldn't provide any nutrition to plants and plants died. The ozone layer was something of the past.

The oxygen we breathed now was manufactured inside the cells we were forced to live in.

We were the last left in a large population. I'm not saying that we're the very last. I'm saying we're part of the last remaining. We went from a few billion to a few thousands in a matter of days. Any rations we had now was in the form of pills and water was so rare that it was a treasure so we consumed it in meager portions.

My dad and me.

We were all that was left of our family. I've never remembered my mother. She died just after I was born. All I had left of her were the stories dad sometimes told me, a snowflake necklace name.


Dad told me she named me that and that he didn't mind calling his daughter love.

I remember my grandparents though. But...with their age, they never made it. I've seen every single person in these cells lose a loved one. I've seen every single one of them cry. Just as they've seen me. In a way everyone here was my family. We were all we had left, because we didn't know when we'd be alone tomorrow and need help.

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