Chapter Fifty One

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Big shout out and thank you to @SEIKAGE for the fanart! I love it and it really made my day to receive your message. So I'm dedicating this chapter to them!


The second I felt unfamiliar hands on me, I shot to my feet. My eyes locked on the man who tried to attach something while I simultaneously took in the many exits in the room. There was only one and the man was blocking it. The man who'd just tried to do something to me. My eyesight from before was back and I let my eyes trail over this man. He was dressed in a way I found familiar. And he looked quite familiar too.

Doctor, my mind whispered, Doctor Stevens.

My mind took in the similarities between the nurse that stood behind him and himself. They were both alike in a very fundamental way. But different in all other ways. My head tilted, wondering what it was. My hair slid over my shoulder and my eyes were caught on it. I took a deep breath.

It wasn't just red. Curiously, I could see a number of other colours intertwined with the red that made it almost luminous even in the light. It looked like how the water had looked.

Movement caught my eye and I snapped my head back up to look at the Doctor when he shifted a little, his eyes flitting to whoever was behind me and back. I didn't have to turn to know who it was. I was very much aware of where he was as soon as I woke up. I trailed phantom fingers of my mind over his, smiling when his own opened up so that I could get in and snuggle.

He came to stand beside me and I felt my whole body hum. Something about his presence was very pleasing to me. His very real fingers caught onto mine and I locked my own around his. Fire shot into my veins and I could almost feel my cells expand with health.

"I told you not to touch her." He said, his voice hard.

The Doctor before me narrowed his eyes, "She is my patient. I needed to check on her. You have no right to dictate who I-"

Anger so strong I had never felt it before burned my blood and I stepped forward. I didn't like the way this man was talking to my ethrés.

When my ethrés brushed his mind against mine, I immediately settled, forgetting what I had been upset about and looked at the Doctor...and the nurse beside him. What was it about them that was so similar? Their similarity didn't make sense to me, it seemed almost..alien.

When my ethrés laughed, I looked at him, riveted at the sound that burst electricity in my veins, sending tingles up my spine.

His eyes, a warm amber, caught on mine. "They are Human." he said, answering the question that had been annoying me all this while.

I blinked. I tasted the word on my lips, "Human." I said.

When my ethrés came to stand behind me and gently turned me around to face the wall, I stayed still, wondering what he wanted me to see. When the wall shifted to shimmer and transform into a reflective surface, I saw what he wanted me to see.

"So are you." He whispered in my ear.

Shock had my black eyes widening. I was Human?

Pain shot a bullet through my brain and I lost consciousness, the last thing I saw was my black eyes turning green, before darkness pulled me in.



I woke to the gentle whining of what sounded like a dog. I opened my eyes to the Ryx's kisses and I laughed when he yipped as soon as he saw that I was awake. I sat up, rubbing my fingers over his ears and snout. A shiver sped up my back and over my neck and I looked up at the entrance. A second later, Rafe entered, leaning his shoulder against the threshold, his eyes flitting over me. I smiled at him, cocking two fingers at him, coaxing him to come closer. He smiled, but stayed where he was.

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