Chapter Forty

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That night I fell asleep early. Too emotionally wrung out to stay awake any longer.

I woke up disoriented, to the sound of an insistent voice.

What in the world...?

The computer in my room was telling me that someone was swiping their bracelet against the identity screen outside my door. Persistently.

I stood up, muttering, "Yeah, yeah." and telling the computer to let them in.

As soon as the door opened, a rush of silver suit and dark hair darted at me, tackling me into a hug.

I blinked, wrapping my hands around Kylee, confused. The door shut itself as Kylee started letting out little hiccups. I think she was going to cry.

"What happened?" I asked her, worry starting to eat at me.

She started talking, but everything she was saying was going over my head because she had started sobbing.

The only words that caught my attention and shot my nerves to hell was three words that made it through the jumbled mess, "I am pregnant."

I stood there in shock.

"You're pregnant?" I whispered, then added, "Are you sure?"

Kylee looked at me, her eyes red and puffy, still tearing up, her lower lip trembling. She lifted one hand, curling the fingers around her stomach. She nodded.

"I'm pregnant," she confirmed.

I opened my mouth, then closed it.

"Congratulations." I said, pulling her into another hug. She hugged me back, a shocked laugh escaping her.

She pulled back and I rubbed her tears away.

"What are you crying for, silly girl?" I asked.

She caught my hands, her expression turning serious, "I'm scared, Amour." She whispered.

"Because you're pregnant? Pshaw! I'm sure-"

She stopped me, her hands squeezing mine in urgency, "I'm scared because this baby is only half human."

Despite expecting this, I was still shocked, but I schooled my expression because what I was about to say was true.

"It doesn't matter," I said, looking straight into her eyes and letting her know I wasn't lying, "It's no different from having an 'all' human baby."

"Except maybe the freaky eyes," she said.

I snickered, then said, "We'll get through this okay?"

She nodded. "Thank you," she whispered.

Then slowly, she added, "I should have replied to the message you sent. But I just...I couldn't."

The one I had sent her from when I had been in Ren's District, stating I needed to talk to her.

I waved it off. It didn't matter now anyway.

I had more questions, but before that...

"Would you like to take a shower?" I asked her.

Like I'd guessed, her eyes brightened, "Do you have time left?"

I licked my lips. How do I tell her I had unrestricted access to the shower? And why I had it.

I just nodded, "Didn't have time to take a bath today," I lied instead.

She smiled and quickly went into my bathroom after I gave her the night ware I had brought from Earth. Once she got into the bathroom the door closed in behind her.

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