Chapter Thirty Two

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When the entrance opened to reveal Ace, I almost hugged him in relief. It was so good to see a familiar face.

But because of the whole no-touching rule, I gave him a weak smile.

Blonde messy curls surrounded his face, his reddish eyes twinkling, his broad arms crossed, his stance almost lazy as he smirked back at me.

"Good to see you," I said stepping out of my room, my backpack in tow.

He just tilted his head a little, uncrossed his arms. A throat cleared and Ace turned. Freesia smile at me and opens her arms for a hug. I hugged her and she whispered, "Wolf asked me to hug you on his behalf. He isn't allowed here. He couldn't reach you on your device."

I could hear the question in her statement.

I leaned back and pressed a kiss to Freesia's cheek, "Hug him for me. Also, Rafe took my device apart into pieces, so..." I shrugged.

Freesia raised her eyebrows at that, her eyes trailing past mine to look at Ace.

"You're taking her to the Station?"

"I would've never taken you for a morning person," I commented to his broad back.

As we got into the elevator, he pressed the digit that would lead to us to the main entrance.

"If you saw me at night, you would not call me a morning person," he said.

"Is that an invitation?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Only if you want it to be," he said, sending me a smirk back.

I snickered and shook my head as the elevator came to a stop. We stepped out of the elevator, heading to the main entrance.

"Ace would you do me a favour?" I asked.

Ace tossed me a look and I took it to mean he wanted me to continue.

"Can you tell my father that I'm going to see Ren? I would do it myself but someone broke my communication device." I muttered darkly. 

He nodded at me as he ran his bracelet over the Identity Screen that popped up and we exited the building. I waited, like last time, for him to bring the Hover Motorbike.

When he brought it out and swung himself onto it, I followed suit and quickly grabbed on to the back knowing I would be thrown off otherwise. As we took off, the cool morning air whipped through me and my hair flew every which way. Cursing myself for not having tied it up, I fretted over all the knots I would have to remove.

I looked around me and saw...well only lush forest and purple-green grass. I frankly had no idea how the C'Riel knew how to manoeuvre these woods. Was there a trail? I looked behind me, because I couldn't look in the front over Ace's large shoulders.

No, no trail.

It was all in their heads, I guess.

When Ace stopped the Hover a few minutes later and jerked his head to an opening-that strangely reminded me of the entrance to a subway-I got off and started to head towards it.

Ace followed silently beside me, both of us lost in our own thoughts. I stepped on the threshold of the entrance that lead downwards and malleable marble-like floor beneath me curved to fit to my feet. My eyes widened and I gasped when the holdings carried me down the path. I felt the need to hold on to something and instinctively caught Ace's shoulder.

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