Chapter Forty Three

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When I woke up the next morning, I found another small box on my table. When I opened it, I let out a small chuckle. It was two blue metal teardrop shaped stud earrings. I took off the snowflake earrings and put them into the box carefully, fixing the raindrops onto my ears one by one.

"The gift comes with a message," the computer in my room told me.

My brow furrowed and I started to look around for my communication device.

"The message is in voice form." The computer clarified.

"Okay." I said, confused.

Then, Rafe's deep voice filled my room.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

I smiled, shaking my head.


I headed to the bathroom to wash up. I should've known something was up.

Should have known the stalker wouldn't have just come into my room and left only one surprise.

Should've expected it. But, didn't.

I stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, heading to my closet. When I opened it, I stared.

Then stared some more.

It was empty.

There wasn't a stitch of clothing in here. Not even my clothes from Earth. I quickly ran back into the bathroom, opening the compartment where I had put my old suit in for cleaning.


It had already gone for cleaning, it wasn't there in the compartment anymore. And it usually came a day later, directly into my closet. The cleaning room was connected through a shaft that opened right into the closet. I didn't figure it out until I saw it happen one day.

"Okay," I said, narrowing my eyes and quickly sending Freesia a message. Then, towel and all, I stalked straight into her room.

An hour later, I was in still Freesia's room. She whistled at me as I twirled before her once.

I was wearing a dress that hit mid thigh. It was designed to have a strap that could be knotted over one shoulder, leaving the other shoulder bare. The upper half of the dress was white and the lower half was a turquoise that matched the earrings Rafe had given me. Freesia had also given me modest white heels (because I've never worn heels and there can be no way that I can pull it off with no practice). She suggested I do my hair up, but I shook my head.

He liked it down.

Then, I asked her for the umpteenth time.

"Where did you get a dress like this?"

She'd ignored me the last ten or so times I had asked her. But this time, she met my eyes and said, "Ask your boyfriend. It's his answer to give. Not mine."

I blinked.

"You look hot. This dress has never fit me a day in my life. I don't even know why I bought it. Lusted over it too much I think."

"You...bought this?" I whispered.

She stilled, then waved her hand. "Ask your boyfriend."

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