Chapter Three

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She was my home.

We were leaving her.

My hand went to slide against the bottom of the seat belt.

When everything turned black outside the window, I knew we'd left her.

Without anymore thought, I pressed my hand against the button that I hoped would release the belt. In an almost silent whoosh, the seatbelt released me.

Heads turned my way, but before anything could be done, I was out of my seat and looking out of the window.

"Amour!" I heard Ren and my dad exclaim after me, but I ignored them.

There she was.


Even while dying she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

A voice to my right said, "Ma'am please go back to your seat."

I didn't look to my right.

"Ma'am." Another voice said to my left. I didn't look there either.

Funnily neither of them touched me or had me forced back into my seat.

I heard something in a language I didn't know, and I didn't pay it any mind. They would not stop me from looking at my planet one last time.

I watched Earth become smaller until I couldn't see her anymore. Funnily this took merely seven seconds.

Letting out a breath in defeat, I turned, heading back to my seat. When I looked up, the alien-my alien-was looking at me. I didn't know when he came back out of the room he'd gone into. But there he was.

I met his eyes unflinchingly.

"He stopped them from ordering you back." Ren murmured in my ear. "I think. God knows what he said."

I broke my gaze with the alien to look at Ren. Ren bumped his shoulder with mine. And funnily my eyes flitted back to him.

He was looking away, listening to another alien, who's eyes were on me, intently, while he spoke quickly and quietly to my alien.

I took a deep breath, resigning myself to whatever was to come.

No one spoke. We stayed quiet. Thinking. Even the babies were quiet. My dad was sitting near Kylee and staring off into space.

A wry grin lifted my lips as I realised he literally was staring off into space.

Kylee however was shifting about a little, her shoulders lifting and dropping slightly.

I realised that her arms must be hurting from holding Jasmine, who was wide awake and sucking her thumb, looking left and right.

I took Jasmine from her immediately. She threw me a grateful smile and rested her head against my shoulder.

In four seconds she was out like a light.

It was a good thing Jasmine wasn't fussy, or I don't know what I would have done.

Jasmine seemed content with playing with my hair. She would run her fingers through it, put it on her face, hide in it. I didn't let her pull it or put it in her mouth though. God knows nothing good ever came out of that.

Soon a feeling in the pit of my stomach told me that we had changed course. I think we were dropping.

I looked out at the window and saw...a darkish blue. The sky?

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