Chapter Sixteen

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Rafe's father's eyes narrowed in on me. The same shade as his son's, but somehow at the same time, it was nothing like his.

"You hit him?" He asked again, speaking slowly as if I wouldn't be able to understand.

I crossed my arms and tipped my chin up.

"Never seen a girl fight before?" I asked.

I heard a few snickers around me, which quietened when the other C'Riel next to Rafe's father barked something out in their language.

Rafe's father's eyes perused me.

"There seems to be no evidence of a fight on you." He stated.

He obviously knew I wasn't the one who fought Wolf, but he was humouring me anyway.

I shrugged, "I broke a nail." I said.

No one dared snicker this time. They knew I was attempting to enrage him so that he would stop digging.

Rafe's father's glared into mine.

"Who hit him?" He asked again, his voice a little louder. He was asking the people around us but his eyes were trained on me.

I gritted my teeth hoping no one opened their mouths.

No one did. A few beats later I heard Wolf take a breath in as if he was going to talk and I turned to look at him, glaring.

His mouth snapped close and his lips pursed, unhappy with what I was making him do.

I looked back at Rafe's father, glaring into his black and amber eyes. A shift in movement caught my eye and I looked to his right and met calmer black and amber eyes of Rafe's mother.

She murmured something to her husband and he relaxed a little when he looked at her. His gaze softened and the way he stood became more relaxed.

Clearly he had immense affection for her.

After he finished listening to her a small smile lifted his lips and despite his golden hair colour, for a minute, he reminded me of his son.

I blinked, trying to dislodge the picture from my head.

He turned to look at me again and his posture straightened and gaze hardened.

"Follow me," his gaze flicked to Wolf, "Both of you."

The other two C'Riel, both dark haired men, started to usher the other kids back to their classes with sharp words and glares.

Nice. Great bedside manners.

Wolf and I exchanged looks before following Mr. Grumpy and his wife like he'd asked us to.

We stayed a few feet behind them, but kept pace with their brisk walk.

Both of them stopped and Rafe's father ran his bracelets over the Identity Screen and they stepped into the room.

Wolf and I followed them in silently.

They went to stand behind a large marble coloured round edged desk and Wolf and I stood on the opposite side.

The room had nothing else. Literally nothing else. I would know; I tried looking real hard.

Rafe's father cleared his throat and I looked at him.

"Are the both of you still sticking to your ridiculous statements?" He asked us.

Wolf and I stayed silent.

He waited to see if we would say anything.

"I am willing to give you one more opportunity to divulge the truth." He said

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