Chapter Twenty Three

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I wrung my hands together, sitting on my bed in my room, then got to my feet and paced.

Then I huffed out a breath and pulled off my communication device.

I need you to do some sleuthing. I sent to Freesia, who was in the Common Cabin having dinner.

Tell me. She replied almost immediately.

I need to know where Rafe stays. I sent.

You're crazy. She replied.

So you're doing it? I asked.

Yes, of course. Was her reply.

I grinned.

You're the best. I sent.

Um. Duh. Was my reply.

I laughed, shaking my head. I waited then, for twelve minutes.

I've decided that there was nothing for me to be confused about. We were friends. I've never second guessed myself so much when I'm with Wolf, why would Rafe be any different?

And he's not different.

And I was not happy with what I did. Making Freesia go and get my device from him. In my defence, I needed a few minutes to myself.

Few minutes of the brilliant stroke of stupidity where I acted like a coward and sent Freesia after him.

Anya's message-and I was sure that it had to be Anya-sealed the deal for me.

If Rafe couldn't tell me who to be friends with, then neither could Anya.

My device chimed and I checked it quickly to find directions to Rafe's room.

You're a Goddess. I sent to Freesia in gratitude.

Build me a temple for me, then. She replied.

If I survive this, I will. I sent.

Then I started to step to the door of my room, running my bracelet over it and the computerised voice in my room spoke up.

"You have been detained to your room. You may not leave." It said.

I tossed my head back in frustration. Monitored. Of course.


I pulled out the Com that was still securely fixed to my communication device and fastened it to my ear.

Rafe. I said.

Given the way I had left things, I had estimated the probability of his replying to be on the lower side.

When I didn't hear a reply immediately, I spoke again. In my head.

I want to leave my room, but I'm not allowed. Help me get out.

I waited for ten tense, silent seconds, before the door in front of me opened without any resistance. I threw a fist pump into the air and stepped out, walking quickly to the elevator, hoping against hope that there weren't cameras that monitored me as well.

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