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"do you have anyway i could do anything else?" I ask, dreading to be anna's servant. "i'm sorry we don't, but trust me, anna will warm up to you, just give it some time," amy says. i give her a weak smile and sigh.

GREAT! just great!

"anna is in her room if you want to go and see her, we would advice you to, so she could tell you a few things beforehand, but it's your choice. remember, work starts tommorow," blake says, dismissing me.

i knock on anna's door and a minute later, it opens. "ugh, you. what?" she asks. "your dad asked me to  come so you could tell me stuff, i guess," i tell her. she moves aside and lets me come in. "sit," she orders, as i'm standing awkwardly in her bedroom.

"you can sit on the bed," she says, as i was on the floor. "oh ok," i respond, and switch to the bed.

altleast she's not cruel?

"ok, so i have boundaries," she starts, "you can't go through any of my devices (iphone, laptop, etc.), you ask me before going into my closet or wardrobe, knock if my door is closed cause if it's open, that means i'm not in it, if you folded my laundry and i'm not there, then keep it on the side, and ask me to go into my closet once i come  back. i have more, but that's all for now."

i can remember that.

"you can go now," she says, so i walk back to my room.

since it's already nine pm, i should probably sleep, cause i have to start work from 6 am tommorow.

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