Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


"Too slow, Lobo!" Maya chuckles, swinging from tree to tree and trying to outrun her wolf friend. Every night, Maya's body seems to be full of energy to move. To be able to move her body around like this is something that she cannot do when she's in class.

Maya lands perfectly on the ground a few seconds before Lobo catches up to her. She smiles, looking back at the wolf. "I win again, buddy."

Lobo lets out a grunt and thumps her foot on the ground. She's clearly not pleased at losing to Maya again.

Maya and Lobo have been playing in the woods for a while, and neither of them has noticed that the sky is beginning to turn dark.

Who would, if you're having fun?

"Lobo, is it weird that I am the daughter of Mayari and yet I like combat?" At her question, the wolf looks at her with a tilt of its head. "I don't know if it's because of the trauma or fear of becoming weak and losing people I care about, or because I am...turning into someone like Axel." Among the other kids, it's Maya who has seen the madness in Axel's eyes. There's bloodlust in them, and it just seems to be getting worse the more powerful he becomes.

Apolaki's domain is the sun, which means that his descendants are powerful in the presence of the sun. Mayari's domain is the moon, which gives strength to her children when the moon is present.

And yet, Mayari remembers that Axel led the attack at night. How could he have drawn power when the sun is gone?

Maya is still confused about this, but she can't ask anyone because talking about THAT day is against the rules. Because of this, Maya thinks that having more power makes people more likely to go crazy.

She looks up at the moon after getting an eerie feeling, and she hears whispered words.

'Go back.'

Maya turns to Lobo, wondering if her wolf friend has heard something, but Lobo is lying on the ground. When it notices Maya looking, it just begins to wag its tail, looking pleased with the attention.

'Go back.'

There it is again. Where is it coming from?

"Hello?" Maya calls out in the night, turning around to see her surroundings and look for the mysterious person talking to her. Lobo, upon noticing Maya moving around, gets to its feet to join her. She can sense her distress and immediately stand by her side.

'Go back.' It repeats.

"Go back where? Who are you!?"

There's a deafening silence that follows her question. Just as Maya thought that it was over, the voice comes back, but this time in a booming scream.


Maya crumples to the ground as the voice echoes in her head. It made her feel like her eyes were going to pop out from the intensity of the yell. Lobo kneels before her, whimpering in concern. Maya's vision is beginning to split, but she manages to grasp what the voice wants her to do.

"Lobo, the academy." She breathes out. "Take me to the academy!"


When Maya and Lobo returned to the academy, the screams caught her attention first, before the intense scent of blood wafted in the air. She feels a surge of deva ju and wonders if she's been transported back in time—the time when Axel lead the demise of the Bakunawa offsprings.

Her blood turns cold at the sight of all the children fighting for their lives against a hoard of snakes and aswangs.

Snakes? Where do these guys come from? She wonders.

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