Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Maya has never traveled with anyone besides Lobo, especially since they are leaving the academy. She is undoubtedly anxious, but having Lobo by her side makes her feel a little bit better.

It's been a while since she has been following the two enkanto children out of the academy. It would be less uncomfortable if the two siblings weren't whispering and arguing about something she can't hear, but she has a sneaking suspicion that it's about her because she keeps hearing them bring her name up in passing.

"We're here!" Janella announces, gesturing to the balete tree before them. It was only then that Maya brought her attention to a massive fig tree towering over them with thick aerial roots. Growing up in the academy, she has read a lot about the tree called a balate. According to legends, it is a portal to the Enkanto realm.

Maya stares in shock before regaining composure. She casts a concerned glance at Janella and Adonis. "Are you sure that I can go with you? I heard that mortals aren't allowed..." She swallows nervously.

"Mortal?" Janella chuckles. "Maya, you're only half mortal."

"That's exactly why I am worried." Maya isn't sure how true the books are that she has read in the academy, but as far as she knows, mortals are not welcome in the realm of the enkantos. And if they are invited, which is rare, it's dangerous and could be life-threatening.

"Don't worry. As long as you are with us, you will be safe." Adonis turns to Maya and gives her a dashing smile. "You're my benefactor, so we'll keep you safe." Adonis has a hand outstretched towards her, which she takes hesitantly.

Her hands were shaking, and Adonis must have sensed her anxiety because he begins to give it a reassuring squeeze. "Trust us, Maya. Everything will be fine. You got us and Lobo, right?"

Even with Adonis and Janella assuring her with their smiles and gazes, Maya still can't help but feel unsure. After all, she just met these two. The enkantos and demigods haven't had much of a friendly relationship in the academy for the past few years. Nonetheless, she knows that she has no other choice but to trust the Enkanto siblings.

Janella utters something in a foreign tongue, one that she cannot understand. Soon, a portal starts to open right in the middle of the tree. The first to enter is Janella, then Lobo. Adonis and Maya follow after a few seconds.

Maya's skin begins to tingle, and lightsbegin to play before her in a way that makes her head hurt, making her close her eyes before she gets dizzy.

"You can open your eyes, Maya."

Maya opens her eyes at Adonis's voice and sees a world that screams it has left the realm of reality. Tall trees, all of which have different colored trunks and leaves as thick and large as the palms of her hands. Each leaf changes color whenever the wind touches it, making it glitter like expensive jewelry.

"Prinsipe(Prince) Adonis, Princessa(Princess) Janella, what are you two doing here?" A diwata scurries over and greets the two, but when her eyes graze over to Maya and Lobo, her demeanor becomes stiff.

"Aileen, hello. Is Inang Reyna here? We wish to speak with her. As you can see, we brought guest." Janella speaks for them while Adonis adds,

"Please be quick as we have an urgent matter to discuss with her."


The realm of the Diwatas is as magical as it is dangerous. There are a lot of rules that she has to follow so that she won't be bound to this realm. One of them is not receiving gifts for food that belongs to this world. But with Maya's good-natured spirit, it was a difficult task for her to do. The Enkatos would offer her either garlands or food as a sort of 'welcoming gift', but in truth, they are already luring her to their world.Their hospitality is a ruse to entice humans to join their realm, either as life partners or as servants.

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