Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Getting invited into the home of the Encanto royalty is already a huge privilege for a half human like Maya. She can only gape and gaze at the mansion's interior's gold furnishings and accents. She wants to find out if they are real, but she is hesitant to inquire further lest they suspect that she wants to steal them.

Queen Diya is leading them to the backyard, where it seems to be cradled by another fig tree that's submerged in water.

Maya feels like her eyes are playing tricks on her because, for a brief moment, she thought that the water was glowing. Her curiosity is shortlived when the queen looks at her and points at the point.

"Get in." Diya tells her.

"What?" Maybe Maya got it wrong. Maybe Diya has not welcomed her and is planning on killing her instead.

The Diwata Queen must have read the expression on her face because she starts to roll her eyes. "I have already expressed my desire to help you a while ago. Don't you think that if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it already?"

Maya feels a little embarrassed and ashamed for doubting Diya. She quietly heads to the pond, shivering a little when her clothes soak up the ice cold water. She weaves through the lily pads before looking up to face the others, awaiting further instruction. To her surprise, Janella and Adonis jump in to join her.

"Can you lean back and relax for a bit, Maya?" Janella's voice is soft and gentle that Maya can't help but follow her instructions. With Janella and Adonis's assistance, she managed to lay back and float on the water.

As nervous as she is, she tries to remain still while the siblings move back, but not before Adonis gently places his hand over Maya's eyes to gently close them.

"You might start to feel your skin tingling, but whatever you do, you must not open your eyes or you might break the connection to the spirits." Diya says. Maya wonders what kind of connection there was to the spirits, but as long as she gets the information that she needs, she has no choice but to trust Diya.

Maya soon feels that something is wrapping along her body. It feels like strings are attaching themselves to her skin.

No, not strings. It's the vines from the fig tree.

She wants to shudder at the uncomfortable feeling when it latches itself onto her neck like a leech. She presses her eyes close and breathes through her nose at a steady pace.

"Very good. You have now established a connection with the mother tree." She hears Diya saying it in an approving tone. "Now, I need you to focus. Picture out the person you are looking for."
Maya tries her best to remember what Sigren looks like. They said that she and Sigren knew each other, yet she has a hard time recalling his face. She has to focus really hard, trying to recall every distinct feature that she can remember of him.

Pale skin and gray hair could be the result of his shedding. Plump lips that hide his fangs and yellow serpentine eyes that seem to look at her with a swirl of emotions. Everything that she can remember from the time that they faced one another back in her dorm, she poured out of her mind and begged the mother tree to find him.

She feels tension all over her body, like the vines are taking root in her memory. She hears Janelle and Adonis expressing their worry for her to their mother, and she can also hear Diya assuring them that it was natural.

Images start to surge into her consciousness like she's watching a movie.


Standing tall while leading the snakes and aswangs, Sigren strikes an image of power and confidence. With the moonstone in his hand, the others just can't help but revel and worship him. With his strikingly good looks and cold steel eyes that can captivate and compel you, it was clear that there was no other better leader more suited than him for the new world that they were going to make.

In his mind, the others may be thinking that he is thinking about the future. Surely, isolating himself from the others while they celebrate their victory over the first part of their plan is just because he wants to focus on their mission. But that's what the others just assume.

In reality, what's going on in Sigren's head is a little simple, as he is worried about two things.

The first is that one of his spies manages to track down Axel, but that said spy never returned a second time when he ordered it to observe the demigod. The last thing that he heard is that Axel seems to be tracking them down as he visits the places that they have been.

Sigren knows that he is not like the little boy that he was before, and yet the trauma of Axel hunting him is triggering a memory that he does not want to remember. If he could, he would rather be the one who is hunting Axel and tearing his limbs apart brutally.

The second thing that he is worried about is Maya. Aman just returned and told him that Maya went with a male and female Enkanto to their realm. And they weren't just normal Enkantos. They were of royal blood.

Why would Maya go with them!? Are they forcing her? Should he go and rescue Maya?

But he heard that Maya rescued them during the attack.

Maybe... maybe the male Enkanto got so enchanted by Maya's looks and strength that he proposed to her!

"No, no, no." Sigren shakes his head in denial. "No way is that the case. The Enkantos don't like demigods." He says it more to convince himself, but it is obvious that Maya isn't like the other demigods. She's kind and doesn't look down on others.

He appears to start to hear wedding bells in the air as the idea of the Enkanto prince falling for Maya begins to make a lot of sense in his mind.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Sigren screamed and hit his head against a nearby tree.

'M-my prince!?' Sabath and Amon both gasped in surprise at their leader's sudden action.

'P-Prince, are you alright?' Amon asks hesitantly.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" When Sigren answers them, his voice is back to its normal and chilly tone. As he removes his head from the tree trunk, his forehead starts to bleed, but he doesn't feel any pain.

'S-S-Sire! You're bleeding.'

"Nope. That's not my blood. It's probably bat poop." He denies, not wanting to lose face and let his servants know that he is troubled by something so much that he hit his head against a tree.

'B-but it is wet and—'

"It's bat poop, Amon."

'I don't think—'

"It's. Bat. Poop." Sigren presses the words harshly, making it clear that he doesn't want them to ask any more questions. Thankfully, the two serpents got the message and remain quiet. "Keep an eye out for the others. I need to take a bath and rinse the shit on my head." Sigren turns his back to the two and begins to look for a source of water where he can soak and calm himself.

He is already past the point of no return with his revenge. There's no way that he is turning back right now. If Maya decides to go to the Enkanto realm to marry a stupid prince, then maybe it is best for her. At least, when the world is ruled by the aswangs, they will keep her safe.

"Yes," Sigren sighs heavily. "Maybe it is for the best." 

*~*~*~END OF CHAPTER~*~*~*
Sigren is a simp. I kinda feel like he is.🌝

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