Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Maya woke up during the witching hour. It's not because she couldn't fall asleep, but because she feels the moon screaming at her to move. She had never heard that type of call before, so her body jerked up at the reaction.

Strangely enough, she seems to have recovered all of her strength. Not only that, but she somehow feels stronger.

It's likely that her magic is no longer being depleted, as she no longer has the moonstone to blame.

Sneaking out of the room is even easy enough for her. The room that she's staying in has a window, which she slides open so she can climb out. Cold wind greets her immediately, that she begins to shiver slightly. The Philippines have such weird weather. During the day, the weather is scorching hot, but during night time it is freezing cold that even if she's the daughter of the moon, it's still too cold for her.

Maya carefully threads the roof with her bare feet. The cold seeps under her skin, making her breathe through her mouth with every step out of fear of slipping down to her death.

Alright, Maya. You can do this. She cheers herself.

Maya begins to encourage herself before taking a leap and bracing herself for the landing. Her land isn't as smooth as she imagined, but at least she managed to arrive at the bottom in one piece, even though she lost her balance a bit.

Maya starts to run and quickly heads for the Mayari dorm so she can change her clothes and set out. Threading through the path to her dorm made her stop. Though the bodies were cleaned up, she could still smell the scent of blood in the air around her.

She shakes her head, discarding the images of gore that she can clearly picture out from the scene before rushing inside of her old dorm. A rustle to her right made her pause. On instinct, she spreads her feet in a fighting stance, but what came out of the bushes was just her wolf friend.

"Lobo!" Maya can't fight the thrill in her voice when she runs to meet up with the wolf. "I am so happy to see you." Maya feels like a weight has been lifted from her chest. "Thank goodness you're alright. I was worried." She buries her face in her soft mane before looking up. "Listen, Lobo. I am going to leave the academy. I need to return something that was stolen. Do you want to come with me?"

Lobo is her only friend and the only lone wolf on the academy grounds. If she leaves, she is worried about how the wolf would be treated. To her surprise, Lobo only moves closer to her as a response, with an aggressive wag of its tail.

Maya smiles, understanding the response of her friend even though it can't even speak. "Thank, Lobo. Would you mind waiting for me outside while I go back to the dorm?" Lobo gives her a soft bark and sits on the ground like she is going to ground the place, while Maya would head inside to pack.

Her dorm, much to her surprise, isn't as trashed as she expected it to be. The only place that's wrecked in the place is the living room where she fought with the serpent man. She trudges carefully, walking over the broken floor and the scattered shards from their fight. She quickly heads upstairs towards her room as starts to pack. In her bag, she stuff a jacket, some snacks, a few extra clothes, and some pocket money in case of emergencies.

"Seems like I was right. You do plan on leaving tonight." Maya whirls to see Coach Oscar standing by the door to her room. Though she can't see his face, but his body and voice are enough to identity him.

"I—" Maya can only let her mouth hang open for a while before regaining her ability to speak. Oscar already figured her out, so it is futile for her to even deny it. "How did you know I was here?"

A Serpent's Revenge: Bakunawa's BloodlineOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant