Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


    If Maya has an option to leave the academy, she will. Unfortunately, for an orphan like her, she has nowhere to go.

Nothing exists here besides spoiled children who have somehow established a hierarchy whereby all demigods are superior to enkantos. It's unfair because the demigods, or children born from the blood of a god, act as though they have unlimited freedom. The majority of them are haughty and enjoy picking on Enkantos.

The irony is that the academy was built to protect and train children like them to control powers so they can live normally among humans, but at the rate they are going, it would seem like the academy might procure villains rather than normal citizens.

    It's not like she didn't try to get along with them. She did, but all she got was a stab in the back when they figured out what a useless demigod she is. She doesn't even have the strength to lift a boulder during the day. All she is able to show her peers is her ability to talk to night creatures, which they make fun of.

But little do they know that her true abilities manifest at night.

    "Maya, are you even listening?" The coach for their physical education's voice rises when he addresses Maya, whose thoughts seem to fly elsewhere. Their coach, Oscar, son of Amanikable, god of the hunt. He is a man with a well-kept beard and a sturdy body that anyone can see from how his shirt seems to be stretching from all the muscles underneath.

    "N-no, sir. I'm sorry." Maya feels embarrassed, but she decides to be honest. Even though she is already at the back of the line, Oscar still notices her daydreaming. The other kids looked back at her with mocking laughter.

    Oscar lets out a sigh, feeling bad that the kids might make fun of her later for being called out. "I will let you off with just a warning this time, Maya, so pay attention."

    "Yes, sir..."

    Oscar turns to the other kids before him in the field. "Today, I will be teaching everyone more about what we learned about self defense."

    "Self defense again? What about fighting?"

    Oscar turns with a look of distaste on his face at Raul, son of Malyari—god of strength and bravery. Malyari is a god who was punished for his pride and selfishness by getting crushed between two mountains.

    "Raul, you know why the school frowns upon teaching kids how to fight. The school is trying to prevent what happened in the serpent's cabin a decade ago." Oscar's face turns into a deep frown, like he is recalling the events. "Even though Axel and a few involved students were expelled, we still can't be certain that not one of you would pull a trick to the other enkantos. Hell, if I am not mistaken, most of them already have complaints about how demigods treat them."

    Raul scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. "But enkantos are not humans.We are simply doing the other humans a favor by letting them know their place. After all, don't most enkantos lure humans to their den?"

    "Don't forget that they also make them have their babies." Zim, a descendant of Mangkukulam—god of fire, says jokingly. It garners a few chuckles from the other kids.

    "Silence!" Oscar bellows in a voice that automatically silences the crowd. Maya has never seen or heard the man curse before. It pretty much implies how furious he is, and she just learns that she does not like it. "You all think that what happened to the sawa(snake) cabin is a joke? I know that some of you here were part of the massacre that occurred. You guys are just lucky that you were all minors when that happened." Oscar's eyes seem to dart at all the faces of his students, including Maya. "Speaking of the sawa, I want you all to know that the town on the northside got attacked last night."

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