Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


The spear feels heavy in her hands while she clashes weapons with Axel. She can smell burns and blood all over the young demigod's body, and it is starting to repulse her.

"Get off of me!" With a hard swing of her spear, she manages to throw Axel back. She's aware that it's only a matter of time until Axel closes the distance between them. And with Coach Oscar behind her, she could not risk Axel getting too close.

She has no choice. She needs to be the one to close the distance.

"Lobo, take care of Oscar for me." She did not look back to check if Lobo was listening. Instead, she rushes towards Axel, closing the gap on her own in hopes that she could drive him away.

With a laugh, Axel jumps back, looking aware of what Maya was planning but having no care that she was trying to save her coach.

"So you want to play, is that it, little cousin?" It's clear that Axel is taunting her.

Maya urges herself to focus. All she has to do is knock him out, right? But given how agile and powerful Axel is, it is going to be a little challenging for her. If she thinks about it, wouldn't it be easier to kill him?

No. She shakes her head. It would be murder on her part if she did.

She starts to chase him off, swinging and jabbing her spear at him. Axel cast a blast of fire towards her, which she blocked with her spear and imbued with water droplets from the rain.

"Cool trick. Question is, can you do it again?"

Maya instinctively moves in another direction, just as a fire arrow hurls itself to the spot where she was standing a while ago. The patch of grass immediately burns and turns black, even as the rain extinguishes the fire. Looking at the burned spot, she can't help but wonder what would have happened to her if she hadn't beent able to dodge or parry that attack.

"You're possessed, Axel. Enough of this." Her reasoning seems to fall on deaf ears when Axel grins and throws another fleming arrow towards her. Not even the rain can fully quench the fire of Axel's attack. After dodging the arrow, Maya notices burn marks all over Axel's body. "Stop using Minokawa's magic, Axel. You're breaking apart!"

Despite her pleas, Acel just keeps on attacking her, and Maya has no choice but to run as she could not parry every single one of his attacks. The attacks are getting more and more aggressive, and she is having a hard time dodging and blocking them all.

She begins to trip, leaving her open for Axel's next attacks. Maya braces herself against the pain and closes her eyes, hoping that if she were going to die, it would be painless.

The pain didn't come.

Maya opens her eyes to find Sigren standing before her. His tail is burning from taking the attack that was supposed to be for her.

"Are you alright?!"
"Yes." Sigren sounds awfully calm despite getting burned. "Thankfully, I was able to shed after getting so many burns. It seems like my scales this time have become adapted to his fire. Still," Sigren tilts his head and looks at Maya. "I don't think that we can knock that guy out, even if I can become immune to his flames."

"Then what do you suggest?"

"Kill him."

"Sigren." Maya says in a warning tone.

"Oh, fine. We drag him into the water. I doubt that he can use his fire in the water."

Maya smiles proudly. "See? Was choosing the less murderous option that hard?"

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