Chapter 5

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I wake up. Pain shooting through my head and back. my eyelids seemed superglue shut. I groan in pain. then I hear two pair of footsteps. my eyes flutter open. I'm on a cot. there are multiple ones in the room but they are unoccupied. at my feet stand Dean and the man I had met before.they don't seemed to have noticed I am well awake. they are distracted by something ,arguing about something. "it's been two weeks,Dean, we can't wait forever." Dean looks at him with furious eyes. "I have waited to see her for five years and I will wait five more if I have to.i will not let you pull the plug! Escepcially because its Elizabeth!" he looks down at me just know realizing I'm awake. he rushes to my side hurddling himself at me and strangling me in a hug.I groan out in pain and Dean pulls me out of the hug. his arms on my shoulders squeezing ever so gently. they are filled with happiness.something I only saw when we were little and running around the hut. " I...I remember.." I say this as if it is acid. Dean looks into my eyes. "I remember.....i remember everything ...I remember that day when we were ten. the day they came. the trucks.....the little girl in the trees...Rue" the name spills out of my mouth as if it had been tucked in a corner of my brain and forgotten about, but sprung out when it was the right time. Dean looks at me astonished. as if I were a new species he just discovered. I remember happy moments when we played tag. when we gave piggy back rides to rue. but then I remember the coats searching through my brain. being thrown in a cell.knowing that Dean was somewhere there having the same thing done to him. I only saw him once. but that was after they messed with my brain. made me forget. forget him.


I look around the narrow dark hall way. guards surround their prized they shove me forward and I don't fight back. we slowly make our ways down the halls.then I see someone. someone in a cell. black hair hanging from his head his blue eyes glowing. but they weren't the only eyes I saw in the darkness. gold. gold eyes, as if they just spotted their prey.I get shoved into my cell. what was that? at least I'm not in there.... I look up from the ground. I'm met with the same beady eyes.

I spoke to soon....


I start hyperventilating. The creatures they are going to come back come to kill us. There has to be a reason. They wouldn't just kill their expeirements. Then again I don't even know what Dean can do. "You know one thing you really need to learn is to keep your thoughts down I can hear them all the way over here." Dean says dramaticly and then cracks up. "No but seriously stop thinking so hard I can hear bits and pieces of it" I look at him. I try to test it out see if it works. Is this what they did to you when they messed with our brains? He looks at me as if to say I heard you then nods slowly. Then a voice enters my mind. Deans voice. Sadly and slowly saying yes. I look at him. So they made us telaphathic. What else did hey make us do. Dean mumbles something about getting some rest and starts to walk over to the door. "Wait " the word spills out of my mouth "stay,please" he looks up at me and smiles then walks twords a chair by my recovery cot. "you know I missed you so much Elizabeth" dean says while he kisses my forehead. "I missed you to dean, by the way you know you can still call me Liz " he looks at me with surprise "I thought you never liked it" I look at him and smile "but only you can, I've gotten use to it and plus its been five years of nobody even suit my name. Mostly it's project 417 or it. So it's... Nice" he looks at me and smiles I grab his hand and slowly squeeze it. I missed him so so much. Even if I didn't know who he was half the time, I still felt empty. I drift of thinking about how lucky I am. Until the nightmares come....

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