Chapter 6

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the torture. beads of sweat dripping from my forehead. my black hair no longer black. blood covers my wrists. my bloodshot blue eyes looking around frantically.the creature was here. I was supposed to kill it. I didn't. it's all a test. trying to see what we can do. they know what we can do.  they were going to make an army of us. the creatures are projects gone wrong. innocent little kids as we were. and know they don't feel pain. sorrow. happiness .saddens. all thanks to the coats they ruined everything.But there are some creatures that they made that no longer are under their control. they are free. but they don't know it. they are under discise trying to get information. but sometimes to keep their identity a secret they have to do the dirty work.


     I wake up. my eyes still much did the coats take from my memory? I only remember bits and pieces of when we were there. and that's all I want to know. but something tells me I'm not going to have a choice .

my eyes flutter open. Dean is still on the chair fast asleep his hand in mine and his head on my feet. I squeezing his hand gently to wake him. his eyes flutter open like a butterflies wings. exposing the discs of electrifying blue. he looks at me and gives a small smile. I smile  back. " when can I get out of here?"  I wine. Dean just laughs. " you fractured two ribs and your ankle.they just finished healing but you were unconscious for  two weeks and all you want to do is get out of this place." I look at him and roll my eyes. then I get an idea something that used to get him all the time. I stick my bottom lip out, slowly quivering it. he looks at me and cracks up laughing. "you really know how to get to me"

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