Chapter 13

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I look through the pitch black night over to Dean. Rue's head in my lap, her feet resting on Deans lap. when I look back up a him, I see him staring at me.
"We need to get help, we can't do this alone. And for all we know Ash is gone. And we don't really have anyone."
I look at him, giving him a meaningful expression. He knows what I'm thinking,
"But we don't know where they are."
He says trying to figure out how we would do this. Then his face lights up, as if he just had an idea, like a Christmas tree. He starts rummaging through his pockets. Pulling out a small note,
"Ash gave me this. He said to only read it when I was sure I was alone and had no where to go. I guess that includes now."
He slowly unfolds the soft paper, a note scribbled hurriedly down and up the page. it read:
If you got this note then that means I failed, failed to keep all of you safe. Safe from the scientists.We needed you to stay away from them till you turned 15 . Till you evolved. And if (and probably) they triggered your evolution earlier, and your brain may not be able to take the energy, the power. Elizabeth is special, she started evolving when she was eight, that means she is ready. Forest was somewhat fortunate, he was stronger than Elizabeth, but more suborn. God knows what will happen to him. But Dean and Rue could be less fortunate. The damage is reversible. You have to find the Defenders. Where the mountain meets the moon.
I stare at the paper blankly. What's that supposed to mean, I'm special? Who the heck is Forest? Dean and Rue, less fortunate? Reversible? Where the mountain meets the moon? Multiple questions pop into my brain, confusing me more.
;Just relax, don't think about it right now, sleep. ill take first watch;
But I was already asleep, Dean's thinking voice like a lullaby pulling me under the soft covers.

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