Chapter 11

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I step over a fallen branch on our third hour.

For the first time, Rue whines,

"When are we going to be there? My feet hurt!"

I was surprised by Rues comment. She was never the one to complain.

I stop and sit down by the side of a thick old oak. Its rough bark rubs against my back through my thin t-shirt.

"Okay, lets take a break for the night."

The sun was already going down. the night starting to seep over the layers of trees, like a dark cloud taking over the light. like the bad taking over the good. as if there is a war in the atmosphere, and the blackness over laps the yellow, orange sky. Dean slings his pack to the ground, sitting next to me. His knees up, he chugs down his second water bottle out of the seven that were in his pack. i pull everything out of my pack, mentioning for Rue and Dean to do the same.

as i take in our inventory, i discover we have fifteen total water bottles left, two bags of dried fruit, three flashlights, one lantern, two small bottles of apple juice, three liter bags of beef jerky, three sleeping bags, and three thermal blankets.

what felt like only twenty minutes turned into two hours, as i think of everything that's happened. Making a list of the things I'm at least %99.9 sure about.

- I used to live at the hut with Ash, Rue and Dean

- I was taken by the coats as well as Dean

- We were experiments

- the creatures were like science projects gone wrong

- some are on our side undercover you could say

- after ten years, Dean helped us escaped and find our way back to the hut

- They are searching for us, so they can continue researching and exploring our brains

- we cant let that happen other wise they will create an army, and then destroy what is left of the human race

- 10,000 of the 40,000 humans on earth are being turned into these creatures

- 20,000 of the 40,000 humans are in hiding

- 10,000 of the 40,000 humans are working for the creators

- we must destroy the creatures

We cant do it all alone.

We have to get the defenders.


i changed a few things in the last chapter so you might want to reread that!

Thanks for reading! I'm probably going to update tomorrow! Thank you every one for reading. i never thought i would ever get any reads! Thank you!!

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