Chapter 14

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I thought I would update before I went on vacation, I don't think ill be able to update there. I haven't continued writing and updating this for a while, and I saw it in my works. So why not? Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy!



I'm awoken by the loud call from a canine. I open my eyes only to be met with the warm moist breath of a Lupine. I make sure to be completely still. From what I remember about Lupine, they are blind. They cant see a thing. They are completely blind. They have no eyes. Their eyelids are like empty sockets. If you are still enough, you can go undetected. They would pass you by like a stray tree. But they travel in packs, fighting together to get their pray.

I shut my eyes tight, trying not to move the slightest, holding my breath. I small stir comes from my left, I can only think of one thing it could be,


I frantically send a message to him, hoping he won't say or do anything before then.
;Dean, don't move.;
I see him slightly twitch at the surprise of my voice. The Lupine, clearly seeing Dean as a threat, shoots over to where he is.
I slowly inch my arm towards him, hoping that maybe, I could teleport once more. Relief floods me as I feel Deans hand on mine. I squeeze it tight.
I don't think any of the Lupine noticed.

I was wrong.

I felt a sharp blades swipe across my arm. Opening my eyes, I realize, they weren't in fact blades, but razor sharp teeth. I let out a gasp, as it was most unexpected. We needed to get out of here, and fast.
I tried my best to concentrate on where I wanted to go, and not the pain. I squinted my eyes as bright light took over.
The next thing I knew, we were up in the trees above our old camp sight.
I felt like i forgot something, something or someone.
But something hit me hard in the gut, pushing me hard against the trunk of the tall tree.
It was a Lupine.
If it was up here, Rue was down there.

Okay I know what your thinking, two authors notes in one chapter?!? I don't know, just go with it. sorry for the short chapter, but I think I'm going to resume writing this story after I come back from vacation. So look out for a update in about two weeks!! thank you so much for reading!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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