Chapter 7

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I smile down at him as I ease into sitting position. my eyes not leaving his. I thought I would be off the hook with the casts. but I thought wrong. I have a bandage on my wrist and a belt around my ribs.the worst part is my ankle is suffocated with a black boot. how am I supposed to run from creatures with this big thing getting in the way.Dean helps me to stand.we walk out the door of the cot filled room. we enter a a hall. it's cold and gloomy but much more cosy than the halls I spent five years getting shoved feels as if I am underground. am I? just then a thought comes to mind.

Where will I go? 

"so you can either stay with me and rue or you can stay with Ash, the one you met earlier ." he says this as if he just read my thoughts.

oh wait, he probably did. I look up at him trying to send him a message and see if it works.

there is no way I am staying with that guy. 

he looks at me and chuckles. 

"okay, I guess it's settled.right this way Maddem." he gestures me down a hallway.

i look at him and chuckle slightly. 

"Thank you, kind sir." 

We walk down the hallway hand and hand's not an awkward's a nice one. then he looks at me in the eyes and asks me. 

"how did you do that back there?" 

I stop in my tracks. confusion written on my face. 

"one second we were at the institute place. 'the institute of doom' as I like to call it. and the next we are at the front of the hut. how did you do it?"

I look him surprised he asked but all I say is

"I have a feeling they did more to our brains then make us telepathic. but the feeling I got when I did that....It was familiar." 

and with that we start down the hallway.

Dean leads me to a door on the right. it's thick and metal, it has a clunky handle. there is a small pad on the left side of the door. I'm not sure what to do,so I just stand there. Dean looks at me and chucks. he grabs my wrist and gently places my hand on the pad. with a loud thud the door unlocks. Dean lets go of my hand and pushes on the door. we walk into a living room. not to big. there is  couch in the middle and an old coffee table made from a slab of wood is in front. on my right side there is a kitchen like area. there are wooden counters and cabinets all at there natural color. there is a high counter with stools lined up like a bar. instead of a refrigerator, there was a small little garden. four shelves with different herds growing on each. bright blue lights on the bottoms of each of the shelves. there are four doors on the far side wall. I look at Dean. his voice fills my mind. 

prepare for the wrath of Rue!!

 his bright smile making his face glow. I try to process what he said. I don't get it until we enter the first bedroom. there are maroon walls. butterfly stickers seem to be stuck  everywhere. there are no Windows at all. there is a small twin sized bed it the middle of the side wall. sitting on the pink sheets is a seven year old girl coloring in her coloring book. Rue. she looks up from the book. she looks at Dean and a bright smile fills her face. then her eyes wander over to me. her eyes glow with joy. she drops her pink Crayon and runs up to me. giving me the biggest hug. I smile down at her. she pulls away from the hug and jumps on the bed chanting 

"Dean and Lizzy are back, Dean and Lizzy are back!!" 

Dean runs up to her bed and grabs her by the waist. a smile playing on both of their lips. Rue giggles as Dean tickles her. I decide to join in. I walk up to the side of the bed and tickle Rue. we laugh and play for the rest of the day. forgetting the five years before. I smile and so do Rue and Dean. I miss this so much!

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