Chapter 9

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I bright light flashes in front of my face, blinding me. A warm hand in each of my palms. One five times larger than my own, the other five times smaller. after seconds of blinking rapidly, my vision returns. I look to my right and then to my left, seeing if my traveling companions are okay. Dean looks almost as if nothing happened, besides his blood drenched shirt. It looks as if the bleeding had stopped. We watch as the skin weaves together. My hand warms up. But as look down at it, I see nothing. it feels as if energy is moving through my hand into Deans. then I notice my other hand is having the same effect. as if energy is going through me and into dean. I look at Rue. it is her. it's like she is the battery to a circuit, while I'm a wire and deans a lightbulb absorbing the energy. A smile is placed on my face. But when I look back at Dean my smile completely fades. though his cuts and gashes are gone, something stronger takes its place.


He is looking in front of us. I look around, taking in my surroundings.

We stand outside the hut,the grass still overgrown, the trees still everywhere. It looks the same, but feels so different .Then out of nowhere, a force pushes me to the ground. some invisible object or thing that I can't see. but thinking back to the look on Dean's face I see he could.

Concentrate. You can see them if you concentrate.

A familiar voice fills my mind. I try to concentrate. Pushing all my effort to see what may of may not be there. Then out of nowhere, I see hundreds of them. All surrounding us. And one still on me. It's face somewhat human. Warts covering its filthy, moist version of skin. Its eyes..... beady... and... gold. It's right elbow no longer sits there. A metal stub ending in a dagger like point. I grab the joint, keeping it from slashing at my face. I look to my right. Rue gets yanked helplessly through the crowd of Creatures. I spot Dean close by, he takes on five Creatures. He takes multiple strikes before he falls to his knees. Anger boils up inside me. They can't do this to us.

All of a sudden the furry rushes out of me, making my back press harder into the grass covered ground. It was as if I pushed everything away. Crushing all I hate. The creatures.

I am no longer held down by wart face. Instead it's body lays ten feet away, completely crushed as if a tractor rolled over it. As I look around, something catches my eye. All the creature dead on the ground, just as the first. a ten foot circle completely free of these cold hearted dead beasts. Dean and Rue, thankfully, are unharmed. A look of astonishment on both their faces.

Then it hits me.

I did this.

I destroyed hundreds of these monsters in a blink of an eye.

How many will be as unfortunate next?

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