ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

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" 𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝑤𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑜 "

I'm forced in a small room inside the majors house, My mind races, my whole goal was if I was reaped to win, to come home. But now that Gage is going, my best friend. How could I go home a face everyone? How can I go along the waters and not remember our good times. Is my goal to get out? Or keep him alive?
Only one comes out.

Seconds later my parents burst into the room and embrace me as tears roll down their faces.

"Stop. Don't cry." I say trying to seem less unemotional as I hug them back, "be strong for me please" my dad then pipes up, "Vic, you're stronger than anyone we know, you have a chance at this. You could win, you can come home."

Home. But if I come home will it really be home or will apart of my home die in that arena.

I look down then back at him, "I can try." I say as the peace keepers tell us that times up, "I love you both but please don't break down like you did with him. Please. If anyone has to be strong it has to be you two." I say starring right at them. Looks as though they were going to say something but was cut off by the door slamming shut.

I sigh as the door rushes open I see Gages father, "Victoria."

I sigh, "I'll get him out. I prom-"

"No. You listen to me. One comes out and just like all of us know it will be you."

Who says this. Doesn't he want his son out.

"My son was suppose to be reaped three years ago but your brother took his place and your parents lost him. Gage and I discussed this was his fate. Your parents can't lose you and we all know you can do this."

His words take me back a bit but I let out a small nod in his direction. "Gage is my best friend though. I'll still try to keep him alive. As long as he's alive, I'm alive. We depend on each other Mr. Romanoff."

He sighs and nods, "But if it comes down to it-"

"Then he'd come home. That's my choice."

The peacekeepers come in to grab him as he hands me a small token, it's a golden wave pin, "promise me you'll wear this as your token? It was his mothers."

I nod in his direction as the doors close behind him. No one else comes but there is only limits on how many can see you. They escort me to the train as I look back once more at the distant waves. I take in the moment as I never know if it'll be the last.


I sit next to Gage as we sit in silence. Neither of us speak, still in shock. Thinking that maybe this is just a dream that we have to awaken from.

Moments later our mentor comes in, She's an older lady probably in her sixty's. She smiles at us and I try to attempt a smile back.

"I wanted to mentor you both, I'm mags. You two are say together?"

Gage and I quickly glance at each other and I smile, "uhm no, just very good friends" I say as he smiles back.

"I see, well quite a show you two. I maybe old but I've seen a lot of you. But at the same time. I haven't seen anyone like you two. Victoria correct, well you have fire about you. Even when your mother was screaming, even when your best friend was reaped you kept yourself strong and together. Very unlikely from most. And you Gage, there's a soft care about you. Slight happiness from your name being called. Why's that?"

He clears his throat, "well cause, uhm it's my fate. But it also means that if and when I die, I'll know I will be spending my last of days with my best friend, that I don't have to watch her leave and possibly die that I'd be there to protect her.." he says glancing over to me.

I don't show any reaction and mags nods in our direction, "well you two should get some rest, we'll be at the capital tomorrow morning. We can go over a few things later." She says as we both stand up I stop in front of her, "thank you mags." She gives me a reassuring smile as Gage and I set off to our rooms.

As we get there noticing our rooms are next to each other

"He gave you my mothers pin."

I nod and look at him as he glances back and me and the pin resting on the right side of my dress. A soft smile appears on his lips, " you sure know how to make anything look gleamingly beautiful on yourself"

I smile a bit and giggle, "oh why thank you."

He sighs, "I meant every word Vic, I wouldn't wanna spend my last days with anyone else."

Our expressions turn serious and I brush back the strand of hair that fell in front of his face, "I feel the same way, but I promise you. I'll keep you alive."

He seems to wanna say something as his eyes scream 'but that's my job' he's my best friend, I can tell what he's thinking. I shake my head in his direction.

"It's not up for you to save me Gage." With that being my last sentence I give him a kiss on the cheek as I head into my room.

Closing the door behind me I can't help but fall against the door, I've kept everything in, just to be strong, to be strong for my parents, Gage, the other tributes, my brother. But I can't. I can't be this strong all the time. I think as tears shed down my cheeks and I don't even bother brushing them away. I'm only a kid. I'm not strong like they think I am. I can't always be this perfect image, cause in reality, I'm broken.


The light glares in the peaks of the blinds hitting my eyelids as I open them I notice I'm leaning against the door still. I slowly stand up adjusting to my surroundings as I head to the mirror, my makeup is a mess and my hair is like a birds nest I think. Taking a shower I lay my clothes neatly on the bed as well as taking the pin and laying it on top. Once finished I put on a pair of sweatpants and a tank as I step out. My hair a bit damp from the shower as It rests on my shoulders.

Once finding the compartment I step in to see mags and Gage chatting as well as that capital greenie doing her hair and makeup. They stop chatting and look over at me, I stare at Gage as we hold our contact for a bit, the sound of the chair opening is what tares us away. Mags smiles at me and pats the chair next to her at the end. I make my way there and sit, "what were you guys talking about?"

"We were just talking about survival tips" mags says As she drinks from her coffee.

"Like what?" I glance at mags then at Gage, feeling like their hiding something.

"Like uhm fires and such" he says which makes me raise an eyebrow a bit

Mages then touch's my hand, "dear we need to find your tactic. Will you play innocent, dangerous, loveable."

I snicker a bit, "why does that matter?"

"Cause it gives you sponsors, makes people love you and wanna be your friend"

A look of disgust washes over my face, "friend? You mean the people betting on my damn life?" I say with hatred

Gage looks at me and sighs, "Vic you have to at least try. It's a show okay, they just want a good show."

I calm down a bit and sigh, "yeah whatever."

Suddenly the cart goes dark and as the light reappears the capital is shown, Gage gets up from his seat and quickly goes to the window as capital people surround it screaming and cheering and waving. He puts on his best smile and waves at them.

Mages turns to him then back at me, "he sure knows what he's doing, I'd suggest you pay attention in training, seems like you'll need that more."

Her words stick with me, Gage was right. It's just a big show, they want a show. So that's what I'll give them. I walk over next to him as I put on my best flirtatious smile and wave which seems to make them go crazy. Gage and I make eye contact as he takes my hand in his and we raise it together. They go hysterical as we do so and we smile at each other, not in happiness but in the fact that we made our first move in these games.

~ 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑦 𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙡𝙮 ~Where stories live. Discover now