ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟜

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"She should wake any moment"

"It better be soon, he's getting impatient, he wants answers"

I hear faint voices around me, I try to open my eyes but I can't, my body freezes, like it's stuck. Like I'm stuck.

Fading in and out of consciousness, what seems like hours pass, maybe even days.

Is Finnick alive? Did he make it.

My eyes squint looking up at very white light, looking around I see very modern devices, it's a white room, no windows, it seems very clean.

I look over to see a lady step inside, "hello miss Grace." She says as she checks my vitals. "You are making a speedy recovery. Very go-"

"Where's Finnick?" I right away get out cutting her off. She pauses for a moment and turns to me.

"That's the very question we needed to ask you."

What does she mean? She doesn't know where Finnick is? Where the hell am I.

"I laid an outfit for you, please change and then you have a meeting with the president" she says as she walks out.

The boss? Shinny place, modern devices, the woman's outfit looked expensive and dyed, doesn't know where Finnick is.

I'm in the capital.


Putting on the jumpsuit laid out for me, it was modern, plain. I take a look in the mirror. Wow. I look horrible. Not from bruises or marks, but simply cause I seem tired, weakened. I still look healthy and strong though, the scar from the cut on my head vanished and was left with nothing but soft skin.

I make my way out the door.

A peacekeeper comes to guide me, I'm in the mansion. His mansion. The man I hate the most.

I'm shoved in the room as I only look up when he calls out.

"Miss Grace. What an honor." The mans cold voice sends shivers down my spine.

I glare up at him, "where's Finnick" I say as I step towards him and he chuckles.

"I should be asking you that. Did you know. About the revolution the rebellion your lover and friends decided to start."

Rebellion- was this what Finnick was so closed off about. What he was hiding.

I look down in confusion as his voice raises

"Miss Grace, WHERE ARE THEY" his voice echoes in the room and I shake my head.

"I don't know.." I simply say. But Finnick got out. He isn't here anymore then where is he.

Snow growls in frustration, "I won't harm you if you tell me miss grace. Just like your little friend Johanna, she won't tell me a thing even after beating her" he hissed and I widened my eyes.

I still felt betrayed by Johanna but she was still my family. "LEAVE HER ALONE" I yell back glaring and he chuckles.

"Only if you tell me."

"GOD SAKE I DON'T KNOW I NEVER DID KNOW" I scream out as he frowns.

"So be it." He says as he nods to a peacekeeper who drags me out. I shove him aside as all my built up anger floods through me and I charge at snow.

That son of BITC-

I barley get close as I'm gripped by multiple peacekeepers and it takes around ten to fully push me back and keep me away from him as I shove, kick, and harm multiple. They inject me with something causing me to feel numb. I ache.

As I'm dragged out I send a deadly glare and continue to glare in snows icy blue eyes and we only cut away once the doors slam shut and I'm dragged into the darkness.


"Vic." A familiar voice rings out.

I open my eyes to see I'm in some sort of like cave. It's dark and only light is the little peep hole on the cell doors.

It's cold ground I lay upon as I hear the voice again.

"Vic are you awake?"

"Johanna?" I call out

"Yes! Thank god you're okay. You aren't suppose to be here vic, I cut your tracker out." She says and sighs, "finnicks gonna kill me"

Finnick, "why didn't you tell me" I lean on the cold metal walls that I'm trapped in.

At least Finnicks safe, I least hope. I need him to be. I can still feel his lingering lips on mine. His soft touch. His sea green eyes, his smile that brightens my day.

Johannas voice regains my focus, "We couldn't. It was to protect you. We tried to.. Peeta is here too"

I sigh, "yeah they got us both at the same time. How is he?" I ask

"Not well, when it started he was alright, then after a couple days..every time I mentioned Katniss it's like he hated her then after a couple days ago he hasn't been back here."

I widen my eyes a bit, "Peeta didn't know either did he."

There was silence and I bite my lip, "they won't believe me that I don't know anything. What will they do?"

I can hear Johanna chuckle, "they'll beat it out of you even if you don't know.."

"At least we're together right Johanna. Least we're not alone." I softly say, even if I can't see her I can hear her.

Suddenly we hear a horrible scream

"That's Peeta." Johanna mutters and the screams continue.

I widen my eyes, what could they be doing to him. He's just a boy.


Moments later I hear keys and boots, my cell opens and I glare as my eyes readjusted to the light.

The white men, peacekeepers pull me up. I can hear Johannas screams, "TAKE ME YOU SON OF A BITCH, NOT HER!!" She Pounds on the metal doors and I close my eyes as they drag me.

When they open the doors I'm brought in a fully white room. It's blinding practically.

"Tell us where they are" a voice rings out and I glare at them

"Fight me you son of a bit-" I start to say just as they inject some sort of thing into my body I scream in pain as the huge screen in front of me turns on.

They're memories, but of Finnick.

But they're not, it's twisted. Like generic memories making the good memories bad. I can't help but look at it for hours and hours as I refuse to tell them. But I truly didn't know.

Thrown back into my cell. I cry. The memories that were once lovely I can't help but see them as dark ones as painful ones.

"Vic you know fin wouldn't ever do that to you" her voice calls out as I'm trying to figure out what's real and not anymore.

"He loves me?" I softly speak out
"Real, or not real?"

Johanna coughs, "real."

~ 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑦 𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙡𝙮 ~Where stories live. Discover now