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Third-person pov

"Sir Arthur!" A guard yelled when Arthur raised his hand

"Stay back! We have to keep him alive so let me handle it and don't move unless I say so!" Arthur said

Rin crouched to the floor while Arthur stood with his sword gripped in both hands as he snarled at the hybrid

[rin chuckles]

his kagune launched at the paladin while they ran at each other Arthur's sword being stopped by the kagune as rin pushed himself off the floor and kicked Arthur's chest sending him flying down the hallway



"No! Stay back! Let me handle this brat!" Arthur snarled As he took off the now burnt cloak from Rins flames "tch"

Rin left no chance for the paladin to recover completely as he sent his flames charging causing Arthur to dodge when rin grabbed a piece of the iron bar from his old cell and launched it at one of Arthur's legs

[flesh slicing]

Arthur stared wide-eyed at the metal barely missing his leg

"Aw I missed...you're lucky I'm bad at math" rin laughed as Arthur landed on his feet and the two charged at each other again

[swords hitting]

'To think this brat can move despite the injuries and the suppressors from before... and now he's thinking instead of just charging headfirst into A fight...he's right I am lucky he didn't time that right' Arthur thought as he dodged Rins kagune and snarled

Rin continued his attacks on Arthur forcing the man to keep a distance while rin regained the breath he lost

'So the suppressors and injuries are slowing him down...but it's not affecting him much during fighting is it' Arthur thought as he glared at rin

"What Arthur...mad because drugging and manipulating a kid didn't work?" Rin laughed "but...was that the eyepatch in the recording or are you fucking with me" rin glared harshly at the paladin making the man shudder from the intensity

'What happens if I tell him it is...will he let his flames take control or if I lie-' Arthur said when Rin charged at him with his sword as he countered

[swords hit]

"I need to know Arthur" rin said

"And what if it is...what will you do knowing the one you trusted thinks you're a monster after all and could just be using you just as a pawn for his own protection" Arthur smirked

[rin chuckles]

"if that's the case then I'll be a pawn" rin said

Arthur's eyes widened

"What the hell is wrong with you" Arthur snarled

"I don't get it much either you know...but I love him" Rin smiled when Arthur kicked him down the hallway


Fuck being human :Blue exorcist/Tokyo ghoul [editing]Where stories live. Discover now