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Rins pov
What the hell just happened

I sat in my room for a moment processing everything that went down at the court room as I sighed

[door opens]

"I knew the air was a little tense around here" I heard Kurigakuri say as she walked in "you've grown...a many ways" she said when I flinched and glared at her slightly

"Please shut your mouth" I snarled


"I didn't mean like that I meant mentally and as a person...though I can't tell if it was for the better or worse" she smiled sadly

"Definitely for the worse" I said when he sat next to me and hugged my head

"I heard about kaneki from Yukio...he's coming back so don't look so gloomy all the time. He also told me about haise or whatever so I'm sure you'll work things out eventually" she said As my eyes watered

"I miss kaneki" I said as I blinked my tears away not wanting to cry in front of her

"Yeah Im sure you do...Oh Yeah I heard Sasuke was alright too...I'm sorry I couldn't help you more back then rin" she said

"It's fine...who could have" I chuckled slightly

"Anyway we only have 30 minutes to get to the limo so hurry up and pack" she said

"Stop nagging already" I sighed when he smacked the back of my head "tch" I snarled as she walked out


I'm glad you're back Kurigakuri...though I'd never tell you that

—time skip

I walked with Kurigakuri to the others as I felt bon glaring at me

"Still icy with bon?" Kurigakuri asked

"I don't know ask the holes he's staring through me right now" I said

[Kurigakuri chuckles]

"Hey rin" i heard shima say as he walked up to us "Well boss?" He smiled when I flinched

"Right everyone ready?" I asked As I saw izumo hold up her bag to show along with shiami and shima

"We wouldn't be here if we weren't idiot" I heard bon say

"Who are you calling an idiot. Just because rin ended up being better off without us dosent mean you can hold a bigger grudge against him now you know" I heard izumo pester him

"Tch!" Bon snarled when I saw him about to turn to hit her as I snarled and appeared Infront of him

"Oi!" I said and shoved him away "say what you want about me bon but keep everyone else out of it...or I'll show you why you're so scared of me it" I glared at him as he flinched and snarled back at me

"Whatever" he said as he walked into the limo first konekomaru following him

[izumo chuckling]

Fuck being human :Blue exorcist/Tokyo ghoul [editing]Where stories live. Discover now