Chapter One: Cordial Invitation

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Chapter One: Cordial Invitation

The sound of my alarm pierced through the peaceful silence in my room. Groggy with sleep, I reached for the source of the annoying ring and turned it off. I stood up slowly and stretched a little before putting on black track shorts and a white tank top. While tying my brown hair up with a rubber band, I bounded down the stairs to go for an early morning run. Truthfully, I was never really a morning person. I got used to it though, after working a lot of early morning shifts at my mom’s bakery.

I inhaled a deep breath of the crisp autumn air and began to run as I took a step outside. Running was something I always did to take my mind off of things. It is like I forget everything as I spring forward whenever my feet hit the pavement. As I finished my second lap around the park I usually go to, I couldn’t help but feel like I was being watched. I looked around and my eyes landed on a car that was parked conveniently behind some bushes. But it wasn’t just any car; it was one of those nice, fancy, black cars with tinted windows. I looked closer and saw that there were flags on either sides of the car. It was red with a gold colored crest on it. Shrugging my shoulders, I decided to let it go and keep on running.

After several more laps around the park, I quickly made my way back to my house and took a fast, cold shower. It was always refreshing after a long run. I toweled myself dry and put on some dark wash jeans and a purple satin blouse. After I finished putting on some light makeup, I made my way downstairs. Immediately, I smelled something cooking in the oven and followed the delicious scent.

“Hey mom!” I greeted the woman in front of me who was leaning over the oven.

“Good morning, Melanie!! Guess what? I’m trying out a recipe for a new kind of bread. Do you want to try some?” She gushed, as energetic as always.

She is like a stereotypical baker…you know the ones you see in clip art? She has rosy cheeks and is slightly rotund in the belly. Her favorite hat is one of those floppy chef hats, and her apron is always smeared with flour. After my father died of a heart attack, my mother became really into baking and took over the shop.

“Sure, why not?” I shrugged. I loved my mother to death. Although she could really get on my nerves for being so cheerful and talkative, she was a caring person. I knew she did everything out of love. After spreading a little butter on the warm slice of bread, I took a big bite of her creation. She looked at me expectantly.

“So…what do you think?” She giggled nervously.

“I don’t know about this, mom,” I faked a grimace, “It seems a little too dry for me. And did you put it too much salt again?”

As she began to panic, I decided to save her nerves. “I’m just kidding!! It’s delicious…as usual.” I stood up to leave and gave her a quick peck on her cheek. “I’m off to work! I’ll see you in a few hours.”

“Okay honey, drive safely and have fun at work!” She yelled from the kitchen.

I used to work with her in the bakery, but we realized that it would be better if I worked at a higher paying job. Our shop had a few loyal customers, but it was never enough to pay off all of our bills. So now, I work at an insurance office. Yes, it was boring, but it provided us with a sufficient amount of money.

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