Epilogue: New Beginnings

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Epilogue: New Beginnings

"Shh!! Move over!!"

"Stop shoving me!"

"You deserved it! Look, you're taking up all the space!"

My butt was beginning to fall asleep due to my awkward position. A few moments ago, I pushed Karter over so that I had a little extra room to make myself more comfortable...not that it helped or anything. It was impossible to move around without bringing too much attention to us.

I turned around to look at my surroundings. A few yards away, a mother gave us a weird look and quickly ushered her child away from us. I sighed. They probably thought Karter and I were insane...not that I blame them. It's not every day that you see two people wearing green outfits, hiding sketchily in the bushes with leaves in their hair. According to Karter, it would help us "blend in." I guess not...

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Karter glowered. Using his hands, he gestured at the ground behind me. "You have so much room behind you!"

"Shut up! They're going to hear us!!" I shot a death glare back at him. If they find out we were here, everything would be ruined.

Karter didn't bother to say anything and rolled his eyes in response. Directing my attention back to the couple sitting outside at the restaurant a few yards away, I squinted to get a better look them. It was almost impossible to see their faces clearly because we were so far away from the two of them. The leaves of the bushes weren't really helping the view either.

At least Karter and I were able to keep tabs on them all day. Thanks to the red hair, it was almost impossible to lose them in the crowd. Suddenly, something very interesting caught my eye.

"OH MY GOD!!" I shoved Karter to get his attention. Unfortunately, I put a little too much strength into my push which sent Karter sprawling on the ground. The bush shook around us, causing more leaves to rustle and fall into my hair.

"What the hell was that for?" Karter hissed at me while pushing himself upright again.

I didn't bother to apologize as I forcefully turned Karter's head so that it was facing the couple we were stalking. "Look!"

My eyes were glued to the scene unfurling in front of me. It was almost as good as a TV show. Blake's golden hair blew gently against the wind while his eyes were focused on my best friend. Ever so slowly, he brought his head closer to hers.

My fists clenched together in excitement as I began to bounce up and down in my spot. I was dying from anticipation. Even though I wasn't the one about to be kissed, it sent butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

"C'mon, Blake!! You can do it!" I quietly urged him on.

"Shut up!" It was Karter's turn to shove me.

Even though I should have seen it coming, I didn't have time to brace myself. I tumbled ungracefully into the ground face first. Realizing I fell out of the bushes, I quickly crawled back so I was partially hidden again. I heard the leaves rustling as Karter hurriedly helped me by pulling me up.

When I was back into my spot, I quickly glanced over at Blake and Jessica to make sure they didn't notice us.


The two of them separated as Blake's head turned to my direction. Our eyes met for a brief moment before I broke the eye contact and grabbed Karter's hand.

"We have to get out of here," I screamed at him, not bothering to be quiet anymore. "NOW!"

"Melanie Cartwright, you are so dead!" I heard Blake's voice call behind me, but I didn't bother to respond. "You too, Karter!"

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