Chapter Thirty-One: Crashing Down

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Chapter Thirty-One: Crashing Down

After the large brunch we shared, the five of us decided to go out to the city and explore Central Park, especially since Karter and Blake have never been there before…let alone New York City in general.

It was nearly summer, so the weather isn’t too hot yet. Since it was such a nice day, we had decided to have a picnic down there for dinner. Karter snatched up his guitar as we walked out of the house while Pierce grabbed the picnic basket that we had prepared for the outing.

Grunting, Pierce struggled slightly with the weight of the food at first. Whoops…I guess we packed a little too much. But I’ll just blame that on the food addiction that I have. I insisted that we bring all kinds of sandwiches and fruits and snacks.

With the sun hovering high above our heads, we exited the subway nearest Central Park. A giant metal globe structure towered over our heads as we saw the entrance of the park. I squinted against a glare created by the sun’s reflection off of the top of the gate. There were tiny gold sculptures situated at the tips of the gate.

“This is so amazing!! I love New York already,” Blake mumbled under his breath. I nodded in agreement. Living in New York for as long as I could remember, I realized that I had become immune to the special qualities of the city. I never noticed how grand New York really was and always took it for granted.

After a few more minutes of walking, we chose a large patch of lush, green grass to sit on. Jessica produced a traditional red and white checkered blanket from her bad and placed it on the ground with Blake’s help. I was originally going to help her, but Blake beat me to it. His eagerness was evident as he grabbed the two corners of the blanket opposite to Jessica.

First to sit on the blanket, I leaned back on my arms and let the rays of sun wash over my face. I could feel the warmth on my skin and basked in it for a few minutes. Suddenly, a presence blocked out the sun and cast a shadow over me. I opened my eyes, ready to tell at the person who took the warmth away from me.

The harsh words I was planning to use never left my mouth when I realized the presence was Pierce. My heart nearly stopped when I saw the pure emotion in his eyes. For a rare moment, it was just filled with love…and it was all directed towards me. Blushing, I quickly sat upright and picked at the grass next to me.

I felt him sit behind me as he put his legs on either side of my body. Not knowing what to do, I brought my legs up again my chest. I never really enjoyed PDA, especially in front of the other guys and Jessica. I would never hear the end of it. Looking around nervously, I realized that they weren’t even paying attention to me and Pierce.

Blake finally grew a pair of balls and gathered enough courage to start a normal conversation with Jessica. On the other side of the blanket, Karter was unzipping his guitar case and getting ready to play the instrument. Sighing, I decided it was safe to relax a little.

Pierce’s arms wrapped around my waist and gently tugged me back towards him. I happily obliged as I leant against his strong chest. After a few minutes, my breathing fell into sync with his. I could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest against my back, which was really quite soothing.

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