Chapter Thirty-Six: The Source of all Problems

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Chapter Thirty-Six: The Source of all Problems

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders and gently pick me up from the ground. Gratefully, I turned around and buried my face into their chest. The familiar scent calmed me as I looked up to Pierce’s worried face.

Snapping back to my senses, I realized I shouldn’t be this close to Pierce. I tried to wiggle out of his arms, but he managed to hold me firmly into place.

“Pierce…” I protested.

“Shh,” one of his hands wrapped around to the back of my neck and pulled me in closer so that my face was buried in his chest again. “Just don’t say anything right now.”

I nodded into his chest as a fresh wave of tears crashed through me. Thoroughly wetting Pierce’s shirt, I finally finished crying and took a step back. This time, he let me.

“Thank you,” I muttered, not meeting his gaze.

“It’s the least I can do after everything that happened.”

I avoided meeting his gaze, scared that he’ll snap out of it and suddenly stop acting so nice to me. Trying to find an escape, I looked around and saw that Karter and Blake were sitting on the chairs in the waiting lounge. Slowly I disentangled myself from Pierce’s arms and made my way over to the other guys. Taking a seat next to Karter, I stared blankly ahead at the wall on the other side of the room.

There was a crack running along the upper side of the wall. Two more met up with it near the corner of the room. It was like all the cracks in the wall led to that one point near the corner.

I let my head rest against Karter’s shoulder as I stared at the point for a long time. It was the source of all the problems. The more I stared at it, the more I wondered what caused it. My eyelids drooped a little as I lost focus of the point on the wall. Right before I fell asleep, I heard Evander’s voice in my mind.


“Melanie!” I felt someone shake me. “Wake up! The doctor is coming!”

Groaning, I slowly opened my eyes only to be blinded by the bright, fluorescent lights. There were no windows in here, so it was impossible to discern what time it was or how long I was sleeping for.

“What time is it?” I asked Karter while rubbing my eyes.

“It’s almost five in the morning,” he answered after glancing at his watch.

“Oh,” I muttered. It was around eleven when we brought Chief in. It took six hours for the doctors to finally come?

Anxiously I stood up to face the man wearing a white lab coat. Unsurprisingly, he was carrying a file in one hand and had a stethoscope wrapped around his neck. Too impatient for him to walk all the way over here, I ran to meet him halfway.

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