Chapter Twenty-Seven: Gone Missing

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Hello guys!! I changed the picture to this novel :) I actually made two, but I couldn't really decide which one I liked better...the other one is on the side. Which one do you guys like? The green one or the one I'm currently using? Anyways, thanks so much to all of you guys who are reading this :D It makes me super happy!! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Don't kill me at the end :P

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Gone Missing

A few weeks after Blake’s worrisome phone call, it seemed like he was doing a lot better. There were fewer articles about his incompetency, and more articles praising him about how well he was doing. Needless to say, Pierce and I were able to let out a big breath of relief.

As we sat in the kitchen eating our lunches on a lazy Saturday afternoon, a flurry of red hair came bursting through the door. The figure hunched over, placing her hands on her knees to catch her breath.

“Jessica, nice you see you here…” Pierce commented without seeming too surprised. He had seen a lot of Jessica since I arrived back in New York and was used to her constant appearance. Jessica, however, was still not used to him being around and openly gawked at his gorgeous face.

“Earth to Jessica!!” I screamed out loud in her ear. Quickly, she shook her head to get her mind out of the daze. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again after nothing came out. After repeating his several times like a fish, I snapped a few times in front of her face.

“What’s up? Why did you come running over here?” I observed her as she tried to gather her thoughts. A thin layer of sweat glistened over her forehead as she pulled out a chair to sit down across from me and Pierce. Her chest rose and fell while she tried to catch her breath. Obviously, she came sprinting over here for a reason. She’s not the kind of person who would just run for fun.

“Did…” she panted between her breaths, “you…see…the news?”

“No…” I eyed her suspiciously, “What’s the big deal? You could have just called me to turn on the TV or something instead of running over here.”

She shot me a death glare, “Oh, I see. You don’t want me here.”

“NO!!” I held my palms out in front of me and shook them, “Of course not! It’s just weird to see you running over here just to tell me to watch the news.”

She sighed loudly, obviously not wanting to talk about it anymore. In a defeated tone, she muttered, “Just turn on the freaking TV.”

I gave Pierce a look as he walked to get the remote. We could see into the family room from the kitchen, so it was pretty easy to watch TV while we were eating. With a flick of the wrist, he picked up the remote and turned on the TV. An ad for the Slap Chop filled up the screen.

“So…” I smiled at Jessica, “You came running here to tell me to buy a Slap Chop?”

“Hi, it’s Vince with the Slap Chop. You’re going to be in a great mood all day because you’ll be slapping your troubles away with the Slap Chop!” the man from the infomercial sang out cheerfully.

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