Chapter Nine: Dirty Little Secret

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Chapter Nine: Dirty Little Secret

That week, I decided to confront Chief and get some answers. There were questions that ran through my head and bugged me since the time we went to the beach. I could barely sleep because of them. I know I may be overreacting, but the answers seem very important to me at this moment. 

It was right after lunch so everyone went their own ways to relax. Not knowing where Chief went, I wandered around the house and peered into each room. Opening the door to the living room, I noticed that there was someone sitting in the giant chair that faced the opposite side of the room.

"Chief?" I asked hesitantly.

I heard the slam of a book and saw a figure standing up. Guarded silver eyes met mine, and I felt my heart beat quicken. Why? I'm not entirely sure...but I didn't like the feeling. After what seemed like forever, Pierce's facial expression slightly relaxed.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable and really awkward, I spun around to get out of the room. I quickly muttered, "Sorry to bother you. I thought you were Chief."

Before I could take another step, Pierce quickly yelled out, "Wait. Melanie, stop." I froze in mid-step and took a deep breath to face him. I was in no mood to argue with anyone...especially him.

He continued to talk when I was facing him, "Look. I know I've been a jerk to you the whole time you were here, and I'm sorry." I probably looked like a fool, standing there with wide eyes and my mouth hanging open. I was in complete shock as to what he was saying. "It's just that I..."

"PIERCE!! Baby! I was looking all over for you!" An annoying screechy voice called out, interrupting his speech. Pierce's expression towards me turned distant and cold in a matter of seconds. I was stunned once again by his ever changing personality. I wished that Siri never interrupted us. I  was so close to figuring out why Pierce was so mean to me.

"Hey, Siri. I was just telling Mel that Chief was in the library. She seemed to be looking for him." I found it weird that Pierce had to explain himself to Siri. I shrugged it off and walked towards the door.

"Thanks, Pierce." I mimicked his coldness. Then I turned to Siri, "Maybe when I'm done talking to Cheif we can do something. I am super bored and tired of just sitting around." I tried to sound genuine and nice.

"That sounds great!" She gushed. "Just find me when you're done."

I made my way out of the room and walked down the hallway that I walked through when I first moved in. Although I have been here for almost two weeks, the grandeur of the house never lost its skill to take away my breath. I stopped outside the heavy oak door and used all my body weight to open it a crack. Sure enough, Chief’s sitting silhouette was in his favorite chair.

“Good afternoon, Melanie. What’s up?” Chief put down his book and set his reading glasses on top of it. He probably sensed my tense mood.

“Chief, I have some questions that we never really talked about when I first arrived,” I sank into an old, antique chair.

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