Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Truth Uncovered

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Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Truth Uncovered

The first thing I felt was a dull thudding on the left side of my head. It feels like a hangover, but probably a thousand times worse. Groaning, I tried to sit up, but was pushed back down by a firm hand.

Cracking one eyelid open, I immediately shut it again. Those damn, bright florescent lights seriously need to die. I sighed, trying to remember where I was. I don’t recall going to a party last night, so I don’t think this is some kind of mega hangover.

Forcing myself to open my eyes and take in my surroundings, I fought against the bright lights and looked around. I was wearing an extremely unflattering white paper gown. Looking up, I found the owner of the hand that restricted me from getting up.

Pierce. His grey eyes were piercing into me so worriedly that I immediately felt self conscious.

Suddenly, everything came back to me. I had stupidly confronted Evander, and he had kicked my head. No wonder why I was feeling awful right now.

“How…” my throat croaked from the dryness, and Pierce snapped out of his worried expression and quickly handed me a glass of water. After taking a gulp, I cleared my throat and tried again. “How did I get here? I thought Evander…”

I didn’t finish the sentence. Did he try to kill me? Was he really that evil?

“I actually don’t know what exactly happened. I just got here with Karter and Blake.” Pierce confessed and finally sat down on the chair next to my bed. Taking one of my hands into his, he began to rub circles with his thumb. I can’t deny that it felt somewhat comforting and good.

Dumbly, I looked around the room and realized that Blake and Karter were standing on the other side of my bed. My eyebrows shot up in surprise when I saw Ryan Carter sitting at the foot of my bed.

“If you want to know what happened, ask Ryan. He’s the one who brought you here.” Karter told me when I met his eyes. Nodding, I turned my head back to Ryan. He stood up, knowing that I wanted to talk to him.

“I told you not to go in after Evander.”

 I cringed at the first thing he said to me. I looked down ashamed, knowing that I should have listened to him.

“And when you hung up on me, I knew you just ignored what I told you to do. I had a feeling you would be in trouble, and I knew I couldn’t stand by idly and wonder if you got hurt.” Ryan sighed.

I saw sadness flash though his eyes. However, I knew this had nothing to do with me. Something probably happened to him while he was on a mission when he was younger, and it hurt him badly. But I knew I wouldn’t get his story. It wasn’t something he was willing to tell. Maybe that’s why he is so dedicated to his work and completely devoid of emotion.

He continued telling me what happened. “I figured you were back at your mansion, so I followed my instincts and drove straight to your house. And sure enough, your car was parked outside. I didn’t have to walk far into the house before I heard a loud crash. I followed the sound and ran into a room in a strange hallway. You were on the ground, and I could tell you were unconscious. But Evander was pacing the room like a madman. He didn’t know what to do.”

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