Chapter 37

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I am the bone of my Salt
Black Key is my body
Sodium is my blood
I have created over a thousand rolls
Unknown to luck
Not known to Gacha
Have withstood the pain and grinding to create much SQ
Yet, those hands will never hold Merlin

Guess What?


I have NP3

   ..... Siegfried

This fucking hurts more than not getting Summer BB. I skipped Summer Melt, Ruler Bunny Artoria, Summer Okita, and Summer Carmilla.

I ground 60 SQ just for this last chance. I didn't fucking get him.


It nearly made me cry.... almost. Thankfully, I didn't get me a constricting pain on my chest literally over not getting Merlin. He's not a waifu... But maybe, I would get a heart attack if I didn't get Koyanskaya in the future or Castoria.

Anyway, despite not getting Merlin. I would like to thank everyone who wish me luck. Shit, I'm a moron I should just pull that 60 SQ on single pulls not on Multi Rolls. I did get a Fragment of 2030 card craft essence Until now, I still don't have a Kscope. Is it hard to get?

Chapter 30: Say Cheese!!

Site-17 of the foundation is special in containing humanoid SCPs. Site-17 was headed by one of the infamous foundation researchers Dr. Kondraki. Like the other infamous researchers in the foundation, many rumors were surrounding the Director of Site-17.

On this particular day, Site-17 was was enengulfedery strange atmosphere. People that aware of the existence of their Site-17 Director, fall on several actions. Panic, Worry, Nervousness, Fear, Resignation and feeling a certain headache from hearing that their Site Director has returned.

Most of the security camera on Site-17 keeps flickering and changing the direction of their footage. Some cameras disposable or not flashed for a few seconds before they disappeared.

A man sat in one of the rooms on Site-17. He has a camera brought in front of him. He has the action as if he was taking a picture. But in front of him, there was no subject, person, or anything interesting that was worthy to be captured. The room was stale white and boring. Yet the man would let out a sound of " hmmm.... " " interesting. " " those bastards. " " I'm glad the two assholes aren't here in my Site. "

The camera that he was holding keep flashing and flashing. What the man saw in the camera was different in front of him. It showed him the hallways of Site-17, some of the SCP subjects on the site that was currently under monitoring, the rooms of foundation researchers in Site-17, the monitoring room, and others. The camera then showed a sight of one of the cafeterias. The man didn't click the camera as he came upon an interesting sight.

It was true that he wasn't a man who would remember the names of the employees and researchers on his site.

In the cafeteria, he came upon a sight of a foundation researcher talking to a member of the accounting department. He based it on how the woman was wearing the uniform for the accounting department. On the opposite side of those two people was also a man from the accounting department. Beside him was a child. It was a little boy with black hair and blue eyes. He can see some resemblance between the man and the child. He presumes that the traits not found in the man were the child inheriting characteristics from his mother.

The child was holding a phone. The woman from the accounting department and the foundation researcher that didn't belong to his site was staring at the phone while they would occasionally talk. He can see the foundation doctor letting out a smile full of glee. It appears that he was enjoying what he could see on the phone. Yet, despite the happiness of the foundation researcher, the father of the child wasn't comfortable with his presence. Observing, he can see the caution and traces of some hostility.

He observe the scene on his camera for minutes before he felt that the scene was too monotonous. He clicked the camera and focus on the sight of the cellphone. He waited.

1 second...

3 seconds.

10 seconds.


A minute.

It didn't work.

He clicked the camera again. Again and again. If the camera isn't ordinary, it would already be broken with his continuous tapping. The scene that the camera was depicting then changed, The child frowned while he stared at the cellphone for a few minutes. He then stared at the distance, looking up in a particular direction, he tilted his head.

On the camera, it appeared that the child was staring through him. The confused expression on the child disappeared when his father asked him. The boy answered and then the father glared. He knows that the father appeared to be glaring at the security footage camera in the cafeteria. But to Dr. Kondraki, he was glaring at him.

If he willed it, he would already have the man dismissed. Yet, it appears that the man's circumstances aren't normal. He can't remember any face or people on his site. Despite that, he took note of some noteworthy or noticeable people on his site. Having a child on site with him would put attention on the man. Despite that, Dr. Kondraki has never seen or heard of the man in the rumors of his site.

What made Dr. Kondraki took interest in them more was the foundation researcher that didn't belong to his site. He was familiar with that particular foundation researcher. He only has forgotten his name. Dr. Kondraki knows him by that "He was the only member of that unofficial and joke department in Site-19".

The father stood up from his seat and block the view of the child from the camera. The foundation researcher also stood up from his seat and looks pale. His actions keep changing from hasty apologies, bowing and staring with a wary look at that particular security footage camera on that cafeteria.

Since he already knows what they were hiding and coming, he brought down the SCP-515-ARC.

The previous stale and white room was now filled with a swarm of what appeared to be zebra butterflies.

It then clustered together and formed a word of “ O-5 BAD BOY? ”

" No. Not bad. "

Dr. Kondraki grinned.

" They are just naughty for hiding something from me when it was under my sight. "


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