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I shot awake as I puked up water and dirt on to the ground beneath me.

"Hey hey your okay. Take it easy." A voice said. I couldn't really hear anything, my ears were
filled with water and were ringing. Also my contacts were no longer in my eyes I think.
I coughed up more water as a hand held back my hair.

Eventually my throat hurt more than ever and the coughing was done. I leaned back against the wall behind me and closed my eyes, trying to catch my breath.

"God you scared me there for a second." He said again, "I didn't think you were going to wake up."

I blinked slowly tilting my head over the guy and squinting.

I groaned at my ex boyfriends face and tilting my head away from him, "absolutely not."

"Hey I just saved your life, so I don't know if this whole disrepectful thing is necessary." Topper said grabbing a beach towel and throwing it onto the water I coughed up.

"Can I jump back off the boat." I muttered turning my back to face him.

"No because then I'll have to jump in and get your ass out again." He said motioning to the ocean.

I gave him a small lopsided grin, "thanks chip."

He groaned and threw his head back, "I should have let your drown if I knew you were going to call me by that horrendous nickname."

"Topper is too long for my lungs right now. Chip is short and sweet." I said.

"Well your sure talking a lot for someone who just drowned. How did this happen anyways? Did you fall in?" He asked walking over to the seat of the boat, sitting down and starting to drive the boat away.

"Something like that." I mumbled.


Topper dropped me off at one of the local fishing docks by heywards. I thanked him and hugged him for evidently saving my life.
I stumbled onto the dock giving him a small wave as I walked towards heywards.

Just like I expected the three were sitting under a tree, talking.

"Addie! Hey." Kie said, "haven't seen you-"

"Just shut up." I said raising my eyebrows at her, "please? Thanks. What the fuck is up with you guys."

"I told you'd she'd find out." Pope whispered earning a jab from kie.

"Oh yeah. You know I think I would eventually find out that John b is in jail, they had a trial for him and he can get the death penalty. You'd think that my best friends would tell me that sorta stuff." I yelled at them.

"We didn't see you all this week! How were we supposed to tell you?" Kie asked.

"Oh I don't know. Shoot me a text, come by my house." I said glaring at her.

"Why are you wet?" JJ asked, "your soaked like head to toe."

I scoffed, "thank you captian obvious. I just almost died but thank you guys so much for your concern! I'm sorry that I didn't hang out with you guys, alot of personal stuff is going on in my life right now." I said growling at them.

"Oh please what could be so much more important than John bs life? You bailed on us after the party!" Kie said standing up.

I yelled at her, "I'm sorry that I found out my family life is alittle more complicated than I thought."

"Oh please, you're little miss Perfect over here. What family problems could possibly be more important than John b?" She asked.

"There is no fucking excuse on why y'all couldn't shoot my text or come by my house and tell me about John b!"

"He told us not to." Pope blurted out. I turned at looked at him standing next to Kie, "John b told us not to tell you he got arrested."

I scrunched my eyebrows at him, "why would he tell you that?"

"He'd thought you'd dip again. Said he needed you here to take care of us." JJ sisd kicking a rock.

I huffed slightly, "I deserved to know."

"You did. And we're sorry for not telling you." Pope said. "Aren't we Kie."

Kie narrowed her eyes at me, "what are your family issues. You are going back to Texas aren't you?"

"I'm not leaving." I said shaking my head, my tongue was pushed against my cheek as I thought of my neck words. "My mom hasn't been home for 5 days And my dad, isn't actually my dad. My biological dad is Ward Cameron and he just tried to drown me a few hours ago."

They stayed silent at my words.

I shook my head, "im going to visit John b."

"No you're not." JJ said grabbing my wrist as I turned away.

"Why the hell not?" I asked.

"Those are all dirty cops down there at the jail. I can't let you go alone." He stated, "I'll come with you tomorrow. Okay? You need to go home and rest. Take a shower. Put some new contacts in, I can see you squinting."

I rolled my eyes at him, "are you telling me what to do?" I asked.

"Yes I am." He said through gritted teeth, "I'll drive you home. Now come on."

He didn't even give me time to say goodbye to Kie or pope just a simple wave as he pulled me toward his bike. "I'd rather drown than get on that bike again." I stated.

"Addison I am not in the mood today. My emotions are so high right now as Im trying not to go kill Ward for what he did to you. Get on the damn bike." He said getting on the front and starting it up.

I rolled my eyes as I climbed on and held on to the seat tight, not to JJ.

"I'm still mad at you." I stated.

"Good. You should be." He said taking off on the bike. Against my will, I wrapped my arms around his waist holding on tightly.

"Im mad at you for calling me a bitch who stuck around too long. I'm mad at you for forgetting about me and moving on." I yelled at him so he could hear me.

"Yeah? What else?"

"I'm mad for you not telling me about John b. I'm mad at you for calling me moody. I'm mad at you for stealing my essay in 8th grade and using it as your own." I continued.

"Got a 97 on that bad boy." He yelled back, "anything else?"

"Im mad at you for driving so fucking fast right now." I grumbled the wind whipping my hair across my face, "im mad that when Ward was drowning me, the only thing I could think about was you! And all these things that make me mad about you like how your so reckless or how you always say you have nothing to loose because I want to be the thing your afraid of losing. I'm mad at you for never asking me to officially be your girlfriend. I'm mad at you for everything and nothing at the same time."

The bike stopped and we were at my house. I peeled my self off of JJ and stood off the bike.
I took a deep breath, "I'm mad at you for not loving me the same way I love you." I said. JJs face told me nothing as his sunglasses were covering his eyes and he has the same blank expression as he did earlier.

I turned around to walk back to my house but he grabbed my wrist and spun me back to face him, and kissing me passionately.
One thing about kissing JJ is it alwasy felt like the first time.

He pulled away and looked at me, "I love you more than gods green earth we live on. And I know I agrivate the hell out of you and I know know I make plenty of fucking mistakes but I love you. I love you so goddamn much and I'm sorry I'm not the best at showing it sometimes."

A happy right smile was on my face with glossy eyes as i starred at JJ. "I love you too."

"Then will you.. Addison.. be my girlfriend?" He said giving me a large grin.

I bit my lip lightly as I shook my head.

Shook my head no, "I can't JJ. With everything going on right now- it doesn't feel right."

"I'm sorry." I mumbled

Electric Love 𓇽 JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now