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"I mean it's obvious right?" John b asked pope who was dangling the compass in front of his face. "A family heirloom. What better place to hide a message? He had to know it was gonna get back to me right?"

My head was on JJ's shoulder and he was holding my hand tightly on his lap.

"Yeah it's possible." Kie said.

"It could also be possible that you're concocting wild theories to help, ya know, deal with your sad feelings."

"Pope." John b warned

"Bro you know how I process my sad feelings. Dank mugs and the stickiest of ickies that how I do it." Jj said

"I'm not concocting okay? My dads trying to give me a message."

"If it helps you believe John b." I said from the back.

"Look I don't need a therapy session okay? Look, I'm not trippin out."

"It's okay to trip bro but—"

"Look my dad is missing okay? Missing. You don't know what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish and then have no idea what happened. Just wake up every morning wondering." His voice breaking.

"It's been almost a year." Kie said almost in a whisper.

"Hey, he could have been kidnapped. That's definitely a possibility."

"Yeah he could be in a soviet sub getting interrogated by the KGB somewhere."

"Absolutely. Uh or Atlantis."

"Stop it." I warned the boys.

"Look what do you think the message is?" Kie asked John b.

"Redfield. Redfield lighthouse. That's my dad's favorite place."

We pulled up to the lighthouse and I hopped out looking around.

"Right. You're gonna post up and look out for bogeys, okay?" John b told JJ

"Wait. Why me?"

"Because you're not going." I told jj

"Why?" He asked

"Look jj there are independent and dependent variables and you're independent. We don't know what you'll do."

"Shut up! Shut up!"

"Just listen to me for a second! Listen to me." John b said do JJ. "Pope you and addie stand looking out with JJ. Okay? If we get split up, we meet back at JJs house."

"Great." Kie said walking off.

"I'm gonna work on my merit scholarship essay, and I'm trying to keep felonies to a minimum." Pope said

JJ kicked up a hacky sack as I sat on the ground. "All right, would you just shut up already?" JJ said to him.

"Just because you're in a pissy mood because you couldn't go Doesn't mean you can take it out on Pope." I said, raising an eyebrow At the boy.

"You shut up too." He mumbled.

I laughed dryly and laid my head back on the ground.

"Are there snakes out?" I asked pope.

"Yesh it is snake season."

"Great, maybe one will bite me and then I will really know I'm cursed." I smiled.

Jj threw Pope the ball. "Pant pocket." He said, holding out his shorts pocket. Pope threw the ball missing the pocket.

After a few tries he eventually got it.

"Shirt pocket." Pope said, lining up the shot.

"First try, 20 bucks." I told him.

He shot it, making it into the pocket. I laughed and shook my head standing up. I turned around at the sound Of Sirens and flashing lights.

"Oh shit." Pope muttered as we took off running to the van. Pope jumped in the back and I jumped in the front next to JJ. "Go go go." I mumbled as JJ hit the gas speeding down the road.

"Okay you can slow down now." I mumbled turning behind me to see the cops were nowhere to be seen, probably stopped where we had been.

I took a deep breath and laid my head back. Jj put his hand on my thigh patting it.

"Pope you good back there?" I asked

"Yeah uh JJ drop me off at my house would ya?" He asked.

"Sure thing man." Jj said

The soft music coming from the radio was the only sound coming from inside the car.

We dropped pope off at his house, grabbing his 20 bucks before he left of course.

When he got out of the car I waved at him and then let out a loud sigh.

"Whatcha thinking about?" JJ asked me to turn back onto the road.

"It's been a long week." I said in response. I opened up my eyes and huffed. "First I get punched, then shot, and then almost murdered. John b is losing his mind, you've lost yours and I'm coming in a close second."

"You're not losing your mind." JJ said.

I took a deep breath. "JJ i think I need a break from all this stuff. I've almost got killed twice now."

"Okay. Okay. That's okay Addie. We all need breaks some time. I'll drop you off at your house okay?" He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

I nodded.

"Thank you JJ." I smiled at him. He looked over at me and smiled too.

When JJ pulled into my driveway I unbuckled and got out. JJ got out too and I stood in front of him. "You know I love you Addie." He said.

I smiled and pulled him in for a hug. "I'm glad you're still here." He whispered into my hair.

"Right back at you."

I pulled away and leaned up and kissed JJ cheek.

"Thank you."


Electric Love 𓇽 JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now