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"So Sarah just dips and doesn't call?" John b asked worried about his girlfriend-wife, and her where abouts.

"Yeah, man. She just left her bag. Didn't tell anybody." Pope replied.

"Okay dude, I..I... really think Ward got to her."  John b said anxiously, "I mean the dude tried to have me killed in jail."


"He sent somebody to the prison who yoked me up and almost killed me."John b explained.

Addie raised her hand, "wouldnt put it past him, he also tried to kill me."

"Do we know who this dude was?" JJ asked.

"No I have no idea. Dude I just swear to God, one day I'm gonna kill that son of a Bitch." John b grumbled.

"Hey my grandma just died like yesterday, let's be respectful to the dead." Addie replied glaring at John b

"My bad." John b said, "he's a bitch"


"It's okay." Kie said.

"No Kie it's not okay. We gotta find Sarah." John be replied.

"No, literally, it's okay. She's right there." Kie said pointing into the direction of topper pulling up to the dock.

Sarah called for John b and John b sighed.

"What the hell is she doing with topper?" Kie mumbled.

Sarah jumped at of the boat and hugged John b as they shared a longing hug.

John b explained as they dropped all the charges and Sarah as ecstatic.

"Listen Sarah, they're coming after rafe." John b said softly to the girl.

"Good. He's completely unhinged." Sarah stated, "he jumped me Last night. That's why I didn't come back."

"Yeah man. Rafe has lost his mind. Literally almost drowned his own sister. Thankfully I got there, got there just in time." Topper said

"Runs in the family." Addie grumbled.

"Uh well I guess I owe you one topper dont i?" John b said hesitantly.

"It's all good. I mean somebody had to reuse your girlfriend right? Both, both of your girlfriends." He said looking at Addie.

"Wait what happened to you?" Sarah asked Addie.

"Your dad tried to drown me. Well did drown me, woke up in toppers boat. Also fun fact, we're sisters. So cool right? See my mom, who died by the way like a day ago had a thing with your dad and like- I don't have to explain sex to you do i? No? Great? So like your-our dad is a murder. So like the family reunions going to be pretty awkward if I do say so myself." Addison rambled on as the 6 looked at her confused, shocked and amused all at once.

"Is she okay?" Topper asked JJ.

"Absolutely not. We're working on it." He mumbled pulling down his hat.

Electric Love 𓇽 JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now