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Dead calm


"It looks something like this." I said, showing the girls the drawing in my hand. "50 feet down and there using 100 feet of rope."

"So I guess this is little wagon will go.." Kie said pointing to the drawing. I giggled a little bit at the horrible drawing making Kie and Sarah Also laugh "...straight to the gold room."

"Who drew this?" Sarah asked, laughing.

"Who do you think?" Kie said laughing. We turned to look over at pope and John b to see pope looking back at us. He's always had a thing for Kie, but it wasn't my place to tell her.

"Kie! This works better." JJ said, coming to the van, throwing the gold down on the floor. "We can't pawn this if there's a giant wheat symbol on it."

Kie grabbed the blow torch and held it up. "It's gonna work."

We put the gold in a pit and Kie melted it with the blow torch. Liquid gold ran all over each of the bricks and I smiled down at it. JJ kissed the side of my head near my butterfly stitch and threw his arm around me, And we watched the gold bumble in the pot.


We pulled up to the pen shop that said we buy gold on the sign. I didn't know if they bought this much gold but it was worth a shot.

"Hell of a job melting it down For frankenstein." JJ said, rubbing the gold with the towel.

"Like you could've done better." Kie said to the boy

"I could have done much better if I took a welding class."

Kie rolled her eyes at him. "When."

"Woah woah hey sh!" John b said breaking them apart. "Chill out okay?"

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that had to pawn this piece of shit off." JJ said.

"How did we get this job anyways?" I asked John b.

"Cause y'all are the best liars and Addie is a master negotiator." Pope said.

"I do not lie." I muttered.

"You and JJ lied to each other for eight years about yalls feelings." Pope said, making me turn around and smack the boy upside the head.

I took a deep breath before walking in after JJ.

"Afternoon ma'am." JJ said in a deeper voice than usual. "That's a horrible voice." I muttered and threw a smile. "Shut up." He muttered back.

"Afternoon." She said, looking at us suspiciously. I would be suspicious too if all these teens came into a pawn shop.

"I see you buy gold." He said. JJ was a good liar when he wasn't told to lie apparently.

"That's what the sign says, isn't it?" She said back.

"What he meant is that we have some to sell." I said, smiling at the lady.

"I sure hope you buy a lot of it, Because I'm about to blow your mind." JJ said, putting his bag on the counter and digging in it.

"I ain't got much mind left to blow, so have at it." She said,

JJ sat down the gold on the counter making a large thump. "How about they hold apples?"

She laughed and shook her head. "That ain't real."

"That isn't real?" I said looking at the women.

"Feel how heavy it is." JJ said.

The lady struggled to pick it up not expecting it to be that heavy.

"Here let's get some light on that." JJ said.

"Spray painted tungsten."

"Ma'am we don't even know what tungsten is." I told her.

"Really? Why don't you see how, uh, soft it is?"

"Do you mind?" She asked, holding up the tiny mallet.

"Not at all." I said.

"Wow, would you look at that?" JJ said after the women hit it.

"Hold your horses. We ain't got to the acid test yet." She said,

"Ooo the acid test. My favorite guys." JJ said, making me roll my eyes at him.

"Well it ain't plated and it ain't painted."

"Ma'am I'm telling you, this is as real as global warming." I said to her,

"It looks like somebody tried to melt it down." She said it made me freeze.

"Our mom." He said, patting my shoulder. He just had to say our. I nodded at the lady trying not to show my disgusted face of thinking of me and JJ siblings.

"She has all this jewelry laying around the house, and she thought it was best to melt it down." I said.

"To consolidate it." JJ added with quotation marks.

She put the gold on the scale and looked at us. "7 pounds? That's a lot of earrings."

"Okay to be honest ma'am." JJ cleared his throat and I mentally prepared myself for whatever BS he was going to say next. "..It's really hard to see our mom fall apart with Alzheimer's."

"Mhm give me a minute." She said

"Take your time ma'am." JJ said still playing the 'feel bad for me card.'

I watched as the lady went to the back room and I glared at JJ. "Really? That's what you went with?" I whispered.

"The waterworks always work." He said.

"You are unbelievably delusional." I whispered.

"Oh come on you love me." He said.

"J you told her I was your sister so I wouldn't say anything flirtatious while in this building."

"If you're my sister, then sweet home Alabama." He whispered back.

I almost gagged and slapped JJ shoulder making him chuckle. "Delusional. She's coming out." I whispered.

JJ threw on his sad face and waited to hear what the lady was gonna say.

"So um I talked to my boss."


"And Uh this what I can do." She said, sliding it over to JJ. I reached my hand over and slid it in front of me. I scoffed and looked up at her. "50 thousand?" I asked. "Ma'am I know for a fact this is worth at least 140."

"Well baby you in a pawnshop. This ain't Zurich. Do I look Swiss to you."

"I don't expect 140. But I also don't expect to get a third of the amount it's worth." I told her to slide the paper back towards her. "Ninety, or I walk." I said.

"Seventy. Half price.. and um." She leaned in a little closer. "I don't ask questions about where you got this."

I clicked my tongue slightly and looked at JB who told me to go for it. "Throw in the earnings your wearing at we got a deal." I smiled motioning to the earrings on her ears.

The lady looked at me cocking and eyebrow. "We're gonna need that in Large demonstrations please."

"Well here's the snag. I don't have much money, not here anyway. I can write you a cashiers check."

"No ma'am I want cash like the sign says. Cash for gold " I told her, crossing my arms on the table.

"Well, I have to send you to the warehouse. I have the money there. Is that all right?"

JJ looked at the last and clenched his jaw a little bit. "Where's this warehouse?"


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