CHAPTER 6: Some wrong choices in life doesn't make them evil!

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By the end of our trip, Sirius, Stella, and I had become close enough to be called triplets. The fact we had similar facial features only complimented it. My dead uncle had now become my brother who was living and breathing well. He was family and I swore to protect him like one.

It felt good to be free with them, they didn't judge or reprimand me, which made me truly myself in years. Having been trapped in my own mind and thoughts had been traumatizing and this freedom gave me peaks of joy.

Honestly, after everything they had told me I wasn't surprised when I got to know that they were members of The Order of The Phoenix, the elite organization that worked against Voldemort. They wanted me to join; they didn't say it but it was obvious with their actions. However, I could see Stella's apprehension towards it. And the way her mouth twitched as if she was grimacing whenever Sirius uttered Dumbledore's name made me realize that she didn't trust him- not anymore! I was confused by it- with their stories it was easy to infer that she was close to Dumbledore, then why this reluctance?

I decided to not follow anyone's advice and see things for myself. I really had to work on being myself and when I told them this, they beamed proudly at me. They were happy that I wasn't being influenced any longer. Which made me happy and proud too.

I had learned a lot about Stella's character in a few weeks. She had always been sly, cunning, and intelligent, but I had never considered her to be this brave as well. Something we didn't have in common- I was a bloody coward. I had inferred that much when I had run away seeing that mysterious creature in the Forest in my first year. I had regretted leaving Potter alone, but couldn't do anything about it. Like I said, I was a bloody coward!

What surprised me the most was how she maintained an impassive face while facing the cannon. Voldemort was furious when we came from France.

"My Lord, we were late. Honestly by a year," Stella replied.

"What do you mean?" The Dark Lord spat, making everyone in the room shiver. However, Stella didn't flinch and replied back smoothly, "Olympia, the Headmistress of Beauxbatons, has a great influence over the French community. We are well aware of how she and that oaf, Hagrid sided with Dumbledore to meet the giants. She is on Dumbledore's side.

"Frankly speaking, we should have hit the iron while it was hot. When Dumbledore was still considered to be off his rockers. But now the whole wizarding community is aware of your presence, it has been difficult."

Voldemort was fuming by the end of it, breathing heavily. I was scared of what repercussions Stella and I would have to face, but that didn't come.

He turned his head to my side and I instantly brought my shields up.

"Ah! Looks like young Draco is learning," he smiled evilly. I was almost shaking in my boots.

"Yes, My Lord. In a matter of weeks, I have trained myself in Occumulency so that the old mudblood lover will not be able to penetrate into my mind," I replied as confidently as possible. Which wasn't a lot. Beads of sweat were forming on my head by now.

I felt a cool embrace on my hand below the table. I didn't need to look down to see Stella holding my hand and squeezing it gently. I felt better knowing that she was by my side and always will be.

"Good Draco! Good! You have been putting good thought over your mission," he mused. "Remember if you don't accomplish the mission, your mother will become Nagini's next dinner and your father will rot in Azkaban forever."

He laughed cruelly and I was shaking. I was so angry and scared- what if this happened? I couldn't lose Mom or let my father stay in that hell-hole. I had to try- try to kill Dumbledore. I wasn't sure about telling Stella and Sirius. What if they disagree? I couldn't lose my family. No, I had to do this alone!

The Silver Trio (Book 2 of Dark Angel series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora