Chapter 3

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5 months

Harry's POV

   'Alright my darlings can we start with with all the puppies on stage, Pongo and Perdita can you two darlings go into the chorus room along with Anita and Robert. Ms. Tracey is already in their waiting for you four. Cruella, Jasper, and Horace you three are out in the hallway with Ms. Katie so you can work on Cruella gets her way.' as soon as I yell out my instructions my group of year sevens. Getting straight to work we start to rehearse one of the puppy numbers and thankfully I only had to go a stage a few times to clear up their confusion on some of their choreography. Sadly both the young women helping me walked in right when I was in the middle of clearing up some choreography. "Mister Styles! Why didn't you call one of us, go grab a seat your feet must be upsetting you. I'll take over clarifying, you just rest in a chair." Katie says as she rushes into the auditorium. Rolling my eyes by getting shoo'd by both young ladies and the children I happily take a seat as my munchkins are making it harder to fix choreography.

   As soon as rehearsal started it ended, making sure to grab all of the white tee shirts and white jeans from the students who play puppies I dismiss for them to return home to their families. "Mister Styles, if you'd like Katie and I can work on the costumes as we know your probably extremely busy with school work along with getting ready for your little ones." Tracey volunteers while Katie nods her head in agreement. The two girls are in year thirteen and out of the goodness of their hearts are helping me put on this show for community service. 'It's alright girls I think with the help of my husbands I'll be able to get all of this done in an hour or so. No need to fret over me, enjoy your weekend girls!' I say throwing the bag full of clothing over my shoulder and grab my teaching bag in the other hand. "Alright, you have a nice weekend too Mister Styles!" the girls say as we parted ways to our separate cars. 

   Arriving home I notice my boys car isn't in the drive way, assuming their still at their tour meeting I walk into the house and get started on dinner. "HARRY!" I hear Luke screech as he slams the front door, setting the stove to simmer I turn to go greet my distressed friend. "I'm going to kill them! I can raise these babies on my own if their gonna keep pulling shit like this!" Luke says trying to fight back his tears as he walks into my outstretched arms. Brushing my fingers gently through his hair walking us towards the living room so i can place him on the couch. Gently setting him down I go make us a pot of herbal tea as neither of us can drink caffeinated tea, returning with two cup of freshly brewed tea I watch as his tears start to dry up.

   'Ready to tell me what this is all about?' I ask as I sit next to him on my couch, dropping his head onto my shoulder he nods miserably as he sniffles. "Their late." he mumbles out, tusk in sympathy as I know his hormones are getting the best of him with this pregnancy. "They promised they'd be back at 5:00 o'clock and now its 5:15. I haven't heard from them so what if they found someone else? I wouldn't blame them, being married to a fat ugly hormonal cow isn't  great. But I love t-them so m-much!" he sobs out absolutely breaking my heart as I have definitely had my fair share of nasty thoughts.

     'Oh hun their not, those three boys of your are completely whipped for you. Their probably just running late because something came up at the firm. You've got three very successful and very high in demand lawyers for husbands, they could just be held up a bit. I'm sure their on their way home as we speak, ready to smother you in all hugs and kisses you could ever desire.' I tell drying off his cheeks from the few tears that fell. "You really think so?" he asked meekly and before i could even answer him their was a frantic knock on my front door.  'I know so...' I say as i hoist myself off the couch to go open the door to three very frazzled looking boys. "Haz have you seen Luke?" Michael asks while Calum tries to peak around my shoulder to see if he can spot their pregnant hubby. 'I have, he's right over there.' I say stepping aside to let the three in and gesture towards my living room. 

   Soon reassurance was give and tears were dried up amongst the four, bidding goodbye soon after their little make up I return to the kitchen to finish up dinner. Yet silence doesn't ever last long in our house as soon my boys were announcing their presence. "Is that my lovely Hazza famous chilly I smell?!" Niall asks as he practically runs into the kitchen. I giggle as he wraps me up in a hug from behind, nodding I turn to place a chaste kiss to his cheek. "Theres my lovely boy!" (Lou) "We've missed you darling." (Li) " Glad that your back in our arms." (Z) the other three were quick to join our hug. Making sure that once they had given me enough love they moved to my belly to give more of their love to the babies. The four quickly set the table for dinner and we start to enjoy a quiet night in.

   Nights like these are my favorite kinds.

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Vegetarian chilly (link to recipe): 

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