Chapter 13

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Nialls POV

"Niall? Whats goi.."(Z) 'No time for questions Z, just listen. Harrys in the hospital he's been having contractions since last night and now there only seven minutes apart and are lasting for forty-five seconds. You need to get your ass here now and while you at it get Li and Lous asses too! They won't pick up and Im afraid if you guys don't hurry you might miss it. Got it'(Me) "Ok, got it. I got this. Im just going to become a father soon and if I don't hurry up I could miss it. HOLY SHIT! I'LL BE THERE AS FAST AS I CAN! TELL HARRY I LOVE HIM AND I'LL BE THERE SOON!" and with that he abruptly ended the call.

   Glancing quickly over at the clock I see that its just past one meaning Li and Lou are most likely doing an interview right now with BBC radio host and a great friend of Harrys, Nick Grimshaw. Throwing caution to the wind I dial up the mans number hoping he'll have some fucking decency and pick up. The call rang only twice before the chipper lad came threw the speaker. "Well hello there Niall, weren't expecting you to call. You're on air by the way. I was just talking to your husbands about Harry. You must be pretty excited cause it could be any day now right?" Nick says practically setting me up fora good announcement.

   'Uh yeah actually, we're at the hospital right now. Apparently he's been having contractions since last night and only just thought to say something an hour ago. He's currently just over the halfway mark and his contractions are about six minutes now. I'm so glad you answered because Im afraid if our husbands don't get they're asses up now and leave they'll miss it.' I say stressing the words now and leave. "Holy shit, boys you better run! Thanks for the update Niall, we wish Harry and the babies safe delivery. Your boys just sprinted out the door and let me know when those cuties have arrived as I cant wait to meet them." Nick said, adding a few more pleasantries I end the phone call quickly as I hear a loud groan from Harrys room.

   "Where... are... they!" he growled as I entered the room, looking at his mother. "They'll be here soon baby, I'm sure of it." she's says in a calming tone only to look at me and mouth the same question. Before I could respond Mandy walked back in and introduced herself to Anne. Getting quickly over to Harrys bedside and take his hands, repeating some calming words while Mandy takes a look. "Harry I'm so glad to see the progression, you're now at eight centimeters darling. From the looks of your monitor it seems like your contractions are just teetering under five minutes apart. I think we may have these little ones here within the next hour or so as long as you keep this up." Mandy says as she makes her way around the room checking all the different monitors Harrys connected to, she seems very satisfied with the readings from them.

   "W-What but my h-husbands aren't h-here! They c-cant miss this!" Harry starts to panic. His mother and I were quick t console him as we could see his heart rate pick up as well as the babies which the last thing we need is for any of them to go into distress. 'Sunshine, I just got off the phone with them and they said they'd be here in ten, okay? No need to freak out, they'll be here.' I tell him running my fingers threw his long curls. He nods while taking some deep breathes thankfully causing his monitors to return to normal.

   Half an hour passes by and still no word or site of them, I'm going to kill the PR people who prevented me from reaching my husbands two  hours ago. If I just gotten a hold of them the first time I called they'd be here by now. Mandy comes in to do another check, holding tightly onto Harrys hand I can tell by the sympathetic smile she's giving us means its go time. "Darling, you're at ten centimeters. You need to be moved into position and be ready to push." Mandy says only to cause Harry to burst out into tears. Anne and I help move him into a comfortable birthing position while Mandy went to get the doctor.

   "Harry darling, look who I ran into!" Mandy says with Doctor Burming already inside the room I don't even have to look to know who she means. "Baby!" "Love!" "Darling" the three shout semi out of breath as they ran and hugged our sobbing husband. Anne must have stepped out of the room as the doctor cleared his throat. "Harry, Im very glad your husbands could join us but Im going to need you to push on your next contraction." Sniffling he brushed off his tears and nodded at the doctor. One of his hands crushing mine while the other crushes Zayn, Li and Lou man the legs and with a deep breath he starts to push.

  An hour passed before our eldest daughter was brought into the world with a high pitched cry. She was set on Harrys chest until her brother came along half an hour later. Repeating the dame thing Harry held our son on his chest until our youngest daughter was brought into the world. Cleaned, swattled and calmed they were all place in Harrys arms and boppy that was on his lap. "Aelia" Harry whispered to our eldest daughter placing a kiss on her head. "Amaris" he whispered to our son rubbing his nose against his tiny one making our little Amaris scrunch up his nose at the contact. "And Atria" he says placing a kiss on her forehead as well. 

   "Welcome to the world my little loves."

Aelia Blossom Styles-Morynson April 11th 5:00pm 

         Aelia - ( ai-eh-l-y-ah) - means "sun"

Amaris Birch Styles-Morynson April 11th 5:30pm

        Amaris - (a-mare-iss) - means 'child of the moon' in Old Irish

Atria Briar Styles-Morynson April 11th 5:45pm

        Atria - (ay-tree-uh) - means "star"

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The babies are here! thank you @Sunshinecandyboy for inspiring the theme of their names! Next chapter will be the last one and the 5SOS babies still need names! Feel free to vote, comment, follow me, read my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or do all four!

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